gita govindam with meaning

Hari praises a Gopi drunk from dancing with beating palms, in the rite of love upon hearing the marvelous melody of his divine flute Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee! Bhaja Govindam. Now it is useless to delay any longer”, äshleñäd anu, cumbanäd anu, nakho-lekhäd, anu sväntaja… This attractive Gopi, every pore of her skin erupting with joy, is the very embodiment of bliss. Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee! The rose laurel flowers arranged in her hair by Sri Hari are shining brilliantly like lightning in the dark clouds.”, ghatayati sughane kucha-yuga-gagane, mruga-mada-ruchi-rushite Gopalam | Vishvesham* anu ranjanena janayann, änandam indévara- She has unconditionally surrendered to you and now she is completely immersed in you by the practice of meditation. I offer my obeisances unto you. Sri Radha… pathi, pada Padma bajana nandabdhi, magnonisham präptam tväm- parishankate vitanute, shayyäm ciram dhyäyati | Go to Mädhava and enjoy with Him.”, pravisa radhe madhava-samipam | I just go on enumerating his wonderful qualities. cira-virahena, vilokya, puspitägram ||12||, “When gazing at you, Radha could not tolerate the moment’s separation caused by the blinking of her eyes. tavaki tava vidhadh, amanda-kandarpa-cinthäm chalayasi vikramane , balimadbhuta-vamana May that youthful Kesava destroy the sufferings of you all. Radha’s doe eyes broke my heart, with volley of glances. Your lover looks for you, trembles, bristles, rejoices, sweats, advances, falls faint in the thicket buried in darkness. sa dadarsa guru-harsha-vasam vada-vadana managa-vikasam || dhruvapadam||. Why are you inflicting even more pain upon your own heart?”, sri-jayadeva-bhanitam ati lalitam | Madhava repented in the thicket on the banks of Jamuna”, mamiyam calita vilokya, vritam vadhu-nichayena | jaya jaya deva hare ||3||. – Buy Jayadeva’s Gita Govindam (Ashtapadi) book online at best prices in India on Read Jayadeva’s Gita Govindam (Ashtapadi) book . smara-shara-jar jaritä…pi, sä prabhäte | säpi tvad-virahena, hanta harini-rüpäyate, hä katham She is so afraid of the incessant rain of Madana’s arrows that she has resorted to dhydna-yoga to find relief from this slow-burning fire of distress. Listen to the delightful words of the bumblebees that bewilder the hearts of young women. gadah candi ca kästi, nila-nalina-shri-mocanam locanam | haratu tad upahita-vikaram , priye charushile||7||, “My beloved! On the ample expanse of your back, calloused by the burden of the earth that it bears, securely stands the world. “Every bangle & jewel I wear pains me, carrying the fire of Hari’s desertion.”. vihita-vahitra-caritram akhedam | dehi pada-pallavam udaram | So sakhi, tell me – how long shall I sit waiting in this bower of flowering vines pinned by His seperation.”, iha rasa-bhanane, kruta-hari-gunane, madhu-ripu-pada-sevake Gopalam | You bestow emancipation from the sorrow of material existence. tarala-dhrug-añcala-chalana-manohara vadana-janita-rati-ragam | This volume is decorated with a snow crystal motif scattered throughout the text, a practice typical of the Indian publisher Baburam. Krishna is full of love. Seeing this, all the sakhis burst into fits of uncontrollable laughter.When Krishna saw them all laughing, he became shy and, with a mild smile, he cast an expressive sidelong glance towards the lotus face of Rädhä. syamala-mrudula-kalevara-mandalam adhigata-gaura-dukulam | It resounds with the sweet cooing of a flock of cuckoos. His arms were kissed for a long time by the beautiful young gopis and smeared with kunkuma from those newly married gopis’ lips and the sindura from their foreheads. Krishna’s enchanting face is beautiful as a fully blossomed blue lotus flower in the pure water of a lake during autumn. kuvalaya-dala-shreëni, kantena. hari parirabhya saragam | Your nose is like a sesame flower. patati padani kiyanti calanti ||2||. Some young woman, who is more qualified than I, is blissfully engaged in revelry with Madhuripu.”, hari-parirambhana-valita-vikara | His charming face resembles a fully blossomed lotus flower”, amruta-madhura-mrudu-tara-vachanena | kim dhanena janena, kim mama jivitena gruhena hari hari (hata’darataya) ||2||, “She has been suffering from the devastating heat of separation for a long time, so I cannot predict her behaviour. This song bestows all virtues. bhavati vilambini vigalita-lajja | That Gopi seized this favourable opportunity to fulfil her most cherished desire. He quickly delights me with His loving glances. märänke rati-keli, sankula-ranä-rambhe, tayä sähasath- What kind of humble supplication should I offer to dispel your indignation? Hail! I cling like a creeper & Madhusudhana delights me in his love. Krishna has become the Cupid personified as he revels intoxicated by the rasa of romantic springtime encounters. vasatu hrudi, yuvati riva, komala-kalavati  (yami he kam iha sharanam)||8||. He annihilates the aggressive empiricists who overburden the earth. Radhe, patati madana-visikhe vilapati vikala taro’ti (Radhe, tava virahe Vanamali) ||2||, “The moonshine scorches him threatening death. Adorned with new leaves, the tamala trees delight in diffusing their musk-like fragrance in all directions. Your heart, being full of rasa, is the root of all How much more beautiful she must be when, she finally rests upon Krishna’s chest.”, sri-jayadeva-bhanita-hari-ramitam | jänite jayadeva eva sharanah, shläghyo durüha-druteh | The emperor of all poets,  Jayadeva, has composed this song to gladden Rädhä’s heart in a variety of ways. sphurati niravasädam…, käpi Rädhäm jagäda ||, “Soothing Radha with His pleas, Keshava dressed elaborately & went to lie in His bed. GITA GOVINDAM (गीतगोविन्दम्) Gita Govindam, lyrical poetry in Sanskrit celebrating the love between Krishna and the gopis, specifically Radha, is authored by … After depicting you with mango-bud arrows in your hand and Madhava, she bows down to offer respectful obeisances to your portrait & worships you.”, dhyana-layena pura parikalpya bhavantam ativa durapam, Krishna | It is the very embodiment of remembrance of Sri Hari’s lotus feet and it should be relished after taking complete shelter of the primary rasa of pure bhakti. kam idam etad anurupam , priye charushile||4||, “O slender woman, your blue lotus-like eyes have now become reddish. unwise! Her heart is Krishna’s and her clothes and ornaments are all Krishna. Krishna’s cheeks assumed an extraordinary charm and loveliness from the joy of this love-play. sri-jayadeva-kaver ida jaya jagadisa hare ||10||. priyäsyam pashyantyä:, smara-shara samaküta-subhagam She is in agony. Your youthful rivals are delighted to see your ‘alluring gestures’.”, mrudu-nalini-dala-sitala-shayane | As they bowed to him with the utmost reverence, the reflected lustre of the sapphires on their crowns made His feet seem to be blue lotus flowers. baddho bandhubhi:, andhakärini vanäbhyarne, kimud bhrämyati | The theme of it is the love of Radha and Krishna, symbolizing the longing and striving of the individual, for communion with God, culminating in their blissful union. Several slokas are added to the songs in the beginning and in the end. Hey ripe mango! harim eka-rasam ciram abhilashita-vilasam | May Sri Krishna manifest within their hearts. ”, rati-sukha-samaya-rasa lasaya, dara-mukulita-nayana-sarojam | kindu-bilva-samudra-sambhava-rohini-ramanena  hari hari (hata’darataya)||8||. ittham nanda-nideshataha calitayoù praty-adhva-kuïja-drumaà With his soft, blue limbs that surpass the beauty of a blue lotus flower, he is inaugurating Cupid’s great festival. When she is overwhelmed with confusion, she closes her eyes. rajani-janita-guru-jagara-raga, kashayitam alasa-nivesham | What kind of poem is this? O Deva! shrunu ramaiya taram taruni, jana-mohana-madhupa-viramam | When the five arrows confronted Krishna’s eyes in the early morning, His mind was impaled by the five arrows of Kämadeva yet again. tvad-abhisaraa-rabhasena valanti | He was immersed in ioyful pastimes with beautiful Gopis, who were receiving him with the utmost respect. vishati vitanor anyo, dhanyo na ko’pi, mamäntaram… May this song of the poet Jayadeva awaken abundant jubilation in the hearts of those who are expert in relishing rasa. Kanditha varnane, vilakshya-lakshmipathi nama, ashtama sarga: tam atha manmatha-khinnäm, rati-rasa-bhinnäm…., iti bhavaya e auspiciousness. O Hari! May Sri Gita-govinda become their sumukhi, subhaga: pashyan, sa tväm upaitu, kutär thatäm ||12||, “As you cast your frightened glance on dark path, as you stop at every tree, measuring your steps slowly, you will somehow arrive at a secluded place. He has humbly collected Sri Krishna’s expressions of deep emotion in the form of this song. Your friends know that you are ready for passionate battle. Use them to take support and gracefully go. cetash candana-candramaù-kamalini , cintäsu santämyati | Now he is enjoying romance with his beloved in a forest on the bank of the Yamuna. Your cool cheeks have assumed the splendour of a madhuka flower. Night is putting black liner on their eyes,tamala flower clusters on their ears, dark lotus wreaths on their heads, leaf design of musk . Sometimes her hair stands on end, sometimes she begins to gasp and sometimes she becomes startled. It makes their jewelled tiaras whirl and their elegant floral decorations fall. What’s more, his mind is also bewildered by attachment for me. This narration composed by Sri Jayadeva portrays Sri Krishna’s love as described by the anxious and impatient heroine in the tor- Then they began the astonishing and supreme bliss, for which they had both been hankering for a long time. stambhä-karshana-dristi-karshana, mahä-mantra: kuraigi-drushäm | niyante pathikai:, katham katham api, dhyänä….vadhäna tvad-adhara-chumbana-lambita-kajjalam, ujjvalaya priya locane, Nijagadasa Yadunandane ||2||, “O my beloved, anoint my eyes with this fresh eye-liner, which excels the splendour of a swarm of bumblebees. It seems as if the firmly-rooted tree of amorous desire situated in the core of your heart is outwardly manifesting its newly sprouted red leaves.”, dasana-pada bhavadadhara-gata mama janayati cetasi khedam | shvas iti katham asau, rasäla-shäkhäm, Your teeth are as radiant as jasmine blossoms. Oh Lord, in the form of the Balaraama, the bearer of the plough! charu chuchumba nitamba vati, dayitam pulakair anukule (Radhe, haririha mugdha-vadhu-nikare) ||4||, One curvaceous Gopi has leant her face close to Krishna’s cheek, on the pretext of whispering a secret in his ear. radhika krishna radhika | radhika virahe tava kesava (radhika krishna radhika)| |1||, “O Kesava, Radha is so emaciated in separation from you that the charming garland of necklace has become a burden upon her. kokänäm, karuna-svanena sadrushi, dirghamad-abhyarthanä Hari, God of the world, Victory to Thee! pravishatu harir api hdayam anena ||8||. radhika krishna radhika – tava virahe kesava  (radhika krishna radhika)||3||, “Strong winds of her own sighing, feels like burning fire of love ”, disi disi kirati sajala-kaa-jalam | As a lover is dear to her beloved, this charming composition is extremely dear to the pure devotees. Hey nectar (amåta)! Meaning - Worship Lord Govinda,Worship Lord Govinda,Worship Lord Govinda,Oh! gopa-vadhu ranu gayati kacid, udañcita-panchama-ragam (Radhe, haririha mugdha-vadhu-nikare) ||2||, One of the Gopi’s is firmly embracing Krishna with intense attachment. radhika krishna radhika – tava virahe kesava (radhika krishna radhika)||8||, May this song of Sri Jayadeva bestow happiness upon the devotees who are unconditionally surrendered at the feet of Lord Keshava, sa romänchati, sith-karoti vilapathi, utkampate tämyati Oh Lord, in the form of the Dwarf! Poet Sri Jayadeva starts his famous "Geeta Govinda Kavyam' meditating upon the incarnations of Sri Maha Vishnu on the earth, to protect the righteous and punish the wicked from time to time. The fourteen disciples are said to have accompanied him. It looked like river Yamuna churning shining swells of foam. You are too harsh. moham tävad ayan ca, tanvi tanutäm, bimba…dharo rägavän sri-jayadeva-kaveridam idam uditam udaram Bhaja Govindam. Sri Jayadeva describes the rapturous amusements of Madhuripu Sri Krishna in every word. Daravi-dalita-malli, valli-chamchat-paräga mürdhni shyäma-saroja, däma kucayo:, kastürikäpatrakam | Hey grapes! It seems that the King of amorous love has torn at the bosom of youthful couples .

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