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Voir plus d'idées sur le thème mode africaine robe, tenue africaine, mode africaine. The greater king was recruited from the Khazar house of notables (ahl bait ma'rûfīn) and, in an initiation ritual, was nearly strangled until he declared the number of years he wished to reign, on the expiration of which he would be killed by the nobles. A number of Russian sources give the name of a Khazar khagan from this period as Irbis and describe him as a scion of the Göktürk royal house, the Ashina. The new neighbours of the Hungarians were the Varangians and the eastern Slavs. matiere super 100 ( 100% coton ) Shapira identifies him with the Sabriel of the Schechter letter, and suggests, since Sabriel is unattested as a Jewish name, although the root is "hope, believe, find out, understand" that it is a calque on the Oğuz Türkic, The Schechter document has officers during the religious debate speak of a cave in a certain plain (, The original ancestral cavern of the Türks, according to Chinese sources, was called, Kohen refers to Khazar killings of Christians or the uncircumcized in retaliation for persecutions of Jews in Byzantium, and Khazar reprisals against Muslims for persecutions of Jews in, "If indeed I could learn that this was the case, then, despising all my glory, abandoning my high estate, leaving my family, I would go over mountains and hills, through seas and lands, till I should arrive at the place where my Lord the King resides, that I might see not only his glory and magnificence, and that of his servants and ministers, but also the tranquillity of the Israelites. [181], Benjamin Disraeli's early novel Alroy (1833) draws on Menachem ben Solomon's story. These conclusions must be considered preliminary." The Hungarians faced their first attack by the Pechenegs around 854,[106] though other sources state that an attack by Pechenegs was the reason for their departure to Etelköz. [234], One thesis held that the Khazar Jewish population went into a northern diaspora and had a significant impact on the rise of Ashkenazi Jews. [93][94], Decades later, Leo III (ruled 717–741) made a similar alliance to co-ordinate strategy against a common enemy, the Muslim Arabs. vrai broderie  noire  [note 106] Bernard Lewis was of the opinion that the word in Cairo Geniza interpreted as Khazaria is actually Hakkari and therefore it relates to the Kurds of the Hakkari mountains in southeast Turkey. Together they then besieged Tiflis, where the Byzantines may have deployed an early variety of traction trebuchets (ἑλέπόλεις) to breach the walls. [193], In 965, as the Qağanate was struggling against the victorious campaign of the Rus' prince Sviatoslav, the Islamic historian Ibn al-Athîr mentions that Khazaria, attacked by the Oğuz, sought help from Khwarezm, but their appeal was rejected because they were regarded as "infidels" (al-kuffâr:pagans). [46][47] They appear to stem from Mongolia and South Siberia in the aftermath of the fall of the Hunnic/Xiōngnú nomadic polities. Around 830, a rebellion broke out in the Khazar khaganate. [18] Some of the Khazars (i.e., Kabars) joined the ancient Hungarians in the 9th century. He escaped into Khazar territory in 704 or 705 and was given asylum by qağan Busir Glavan (Ἰβουζήρος Γλιαβάνος), who gave him his sister in marriage, perhaps in response to an offer by Justinian, who may have thought a dynastic marriage would seal by kinship a powerful tribal support for his attempts to regain the throne. Many sources suggest, and a notable number of scholars have argued, that the charismatic Āshǐnà clan played a germinal role in the early Khazar state, although Zuckerman dismisses the widespread notion of their pivotal role as a "phantom". motif black Panther, Tunique Naija dashiki noire broderie or (, "The Khazar theory never figured as a major component of anti-Semitism. Louis Bazin derived it from Turkic qas-("tyrannize, oppress, terrorize") on the basis of its phonetic similarity to the Uyğur tribal name, Qasar. [233] In a broad academic perspective, both the idea that the Khazars converted en masse to Judaism and the suggestion they emigrated to form the core population of Ashkenazi Jewry, remain highly polemical issues. [note 73] Olsson argues that the 837/8 evidence marks only the beginning of a long and difficult official Judaization that concluded some decades later. The purpose was to revenge the violence the Rus' razzias had inflicted on their fellow Muslim believers. categorie dashiki bazin wax, Chemise bleue roi manche longue customisee avec du wax kente Both briefly challenged Tang hegemony in eastern Turkestan. broderie dorée, CHEMISE TOYOBO BRODEE MAUVE  The genetic proximity of Ashkenazi Jews to southern European populations has been observed in several other recent studies.. Admixture with local populations, including Khazars and Slavs, may have occurred subsequently during the 1000 year (2nd millennium) history of the European Jews. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème mode africaine, robe africaine, mode africaine robe. Determining the origins and nature of the Khazars is closely bound with theories of their languages, but it is a matter of intricate difficulty since no indigenous records in the Khazar language survive, and the state was polyglot and polyethnic. The ruling elite seems to have been constituted out of nine tribes/clans, themselves ethnically heterogeneous, spread over perhaps nine provinces or principalities, each of which would have been allocated to a clan. The Khazars launched raids in response into Albania and Iranian Azerbaijan but were driven back by the Arabs under Hasan ibn al-Nu'man. [142][143], The Khazar state was not the only Jewish state to rise between the fall of the Second Temple (67–70 CE) and the establishment of Israel (1948). Byzantine success in the north was sporadic, although Armenian and Albanian missions from Derbend built churches extensively in maritime Daghestan, then a Khazar district. Many Khazar mercenaries served in the armies of the Islamic Caliphates and other states. tissu Toyobo ( matière satinée soyeuse ) [149] Khazar merchants were active in both Constantinople and Alexandria in the 12th century.[150]. ", "in the very late 1980s Russian nationalists were fixated on the 'Khazar episode.' Le moins cher [256], H.N. [69] Both the îšâ and the xâqân converted to Judaism sometime in the 8th century, while the rest, according to the Persian traveller Ahmad ibn Rustah, probably followed the old Tūrkic religion. 2021 - Découvrez le tableau "boubou" de fati tandia sur Pinterest. [68] Subsequently, the charismatic sovereign's burial place was hidden from view, with a palatial structure ("Paradise") constructed and then hidden under rerouted river water to avoid disturbance by evil spirits and later generations. As soon as the Arabs were gone, the kaghan renounced Islam – with, one may assume, great vehemence. (, "Their conversion to Judaism was the equivalent of a declaration of neutrality between the two rival powers." Voir plus d'idées sur le thème model homme, tenue africaine, vetement africain. Thus, the genetic proximity of these European/Syrian Jewish populations, including Ashkenazi Jews, to each other and to French, Northern Italian, and Sardinian populations favors the idea of non-Semitic Mediterranean ancestry in the formation of the European/Syrian Jewish groups and is incompatible with theories that Ashkenazi Jews are for the most part the direct lineal descendants of converted Khazars or Slavs. [115] From the beginning of the 10th century, the Khazars found themselves fighting on multiple fronts as nomadic incursions were exacerbated by uprisings by former clients and invasions from former allies. Marwan's terms were that the kaghan and his Khazars should convert to Islam. (, "Judaism was apparently chosen because it was a religion of the book without being the faith of a neighbouring state which had designs on Khazar lands." Toyobo  satiné broderie or, produits Constantine and Irene had a son, the future Leo IV (775–780), who thereafter bore the sobriquet, "the Khazar". "[177] Persian historian Ibn al-Faqîh wrote that "all the Khazars are Jews, but they have been Judaized recently". 19 déc. The Khazar Dynasty's conversion to Judaism is best explained by this specific historical background, together with the fact that the mid-eighth century was an age in which the major Eurasian states proclaimed their adherence to distinctive world religions. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème mode africaine robe, mode africaine, robe africaine. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème mode africaine, mode africaine bazin, bazin riche getzner. ascribed to Saadia Gaon or to the Karaite scholar Benjamin Nahâwandî, interpreted "The Lord hath loved him" as a reference "to the Khazars, who will go and destroy Babel" (i.e., Babylonia), a name used to designate the country of the Arabs. [235] In 2018, Kevin Alan Brook cited genetic data to argue against the claim that Ashkenazim have any amount of Khazarian ancestry. Then they together ended up at the outer slopes of Carpathians, and settled there, where the majority of Khazars converted from Judaism to Christianity in the 10th to 13th centuries. 7 août 2019 - Découvrez le tableau "bazin riche" de Ndeye maimouna Coly Diedhiou sur Pinterest. (zemlya Jidovskaya). Ibn Fadlân, based on his Caliphal mission (921–922) to the Volga Bulğars, also reported that "the core element of the state, the Khazars, were Judaized",[note 75] something underwritten by the Qaraite scholar Ya'kub Qirqisânî around 937. The source is Maksymilian Ernest Gumplowicz. With premium economic research and live markets data for Nordea Markets customers. As a result of these coalescences and assimilations, almost everywhere in the towns throughout the Roman Empire, and far beyond it in the east, Jewish communities traded and flourished, and were kept in touch through the Bible, and through a religious and educational organization. The Arabs devastated the horse herds, seized many Khazars and others as captives, and forced much of the population to flee into the Ural Mountains. [note 90][note 91][note 92] The German Orientalist Karl Neumann, in the context of an earlier controversy about possible connections between Khazars and the ancestors of the Slavic peoples, suggested as early as 1847 emigrant Khazars might have influenced the core population of Eastern European Jews. [109][110][note 35][note 36] The construction of the Sarkel fortress, with technical assistance from Khazaria's Byzantine ally at the time, together with the minting of an autonomous Khazar coinage around the 830s, may have been a defensive measure against emerging threats from Varangians to the north and from the Magyars on the eastern steppe. The Pechenegs provided great assistance to the Byzantines in the 9th century in exchange for regular payments. (. He decided to convert when he was convinced of Judaism's superiority. motif black Panther, Chemise noire customisee avec du wax kente [64] According to Arabic sources, the lesser king was called îšâ and the greater king Khazar xâqân; the former managed and commanded the military, while the greater king's role was primarily sacral, less concerned with daily affairs. An embryonic state of Khazaria began to form sometime after 630,[51][52] when it emerged from the breakdown of the larger Göktürk Khaganate. Whereas Prof. Shaul Stampfer believed the story of the Khazars' conversion to Judaism was a collection of stories or legends that have no historical foundation, (and insisted that the Ashkenazi of Eastern Europe of today stem from Jews in Central Europe who emigrated eastwards), Prof. Dan Shapiro believed that the conversion of the Khazars to Judaism was part of the history of Russia at the time it established itself as a kingdom." [205], Though the assertion they were not of Jewish stock enabled many Crimean Karaites to survive the Holocaust, which led to the murder of 6,000 Krymchaks, after the war, the many of the latter, somewhat indifferent to their Jewish heritage, took a cue from the Crimean Karaites, and denied this connection in order to avoid the antisemitic effects of the stigma attached to Jews. The Byzantines called Khazaria Tourkía, and by the 9th century referred to the Khazars as "Turks". 2021 - Découvrez le tableau "Modèle de bazin" de Nifabiti sur Pinterest. [165][166] For Simon Schama, Jewish communities from the Balkans and the Bosphoran Crimea, especially from Panticapaeum, began migrating to the more hospitable climate of pagan Khazaria in the wake of these persecutions, and were joined there by Jews from Armenia. The connection receives only scant attention in, "Although the Khazar theory gets surprisingly little attention in scholarly histories of anti-Semitism, it has been an influential theme among American anti-Semites since the immigration restrictionists of the 1920s" (, "By the 1960s, when Christian identity was established as a force on the extreme right, the Khazar ancestry of the Jews was a firm article of faith. [20], Proposals of Khazar origins have been made regarding the Hungarians, the Kazakhs, the Cossacks of the Don region and of Ukraine, Bukharan Jews, the Muslim Kumyks, the Turkic-speaking Krymchaks and their Crimean neighbors the Crimean Karaites, the Moldavian Csángós, the Mountain Jews, even some Subbotniks on the basis of their Ukrainian and Cossack origin and others. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème mode africaine homme, mode africaine, tenue africaine. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème mode africaine homme, tenue africaine, mode africaine. [214], Scholarly anthropologists, such as Roland B. Dixon (1923), and writers like H. G. Wells (1920) used it to argue that "The main part of Jewry never was in Judea",[note 99][215] a thesis that was to have a political echo in later opinion. Retrouver films et séries en streaming hd sur [209][note 111] Particularly after the publication of Burton J. Hendrick's The Jews in America (1923)[238] it began to enjoy a vogue among advocates of immigration restriction in the 1920s; racial theorists[239] like Lothrop Stoddard; anti-Semitic conspiracy-theorists like the Ku Klux Klan's Hiram Wesley Evans; anti-communist polemicists like John O. Beaty[note 112] and Wilmot Robertson, whose views influenced David Duke. [55][56], The Qağanate of the Khazars thus took shape out of the ruins of this nomadic empire as it broke up under pressure from the Tang dynasty armies to the east sometime between 630 and 650. [97] Khazar and Farghânian (Φάργανοι) mercenaries constituted part of the imperial Byzantine Hetaireia bodyguard after its formation in 840, a position that could openly be purchased by a payment of seven pounds of gold.[98][99]. [203][204], Another Turkish Crimean group, the Krymchaks had retained very simple Jewish traditions, mostly devoid of halakhic content, and very much taken with magical superstitions which, in the wake of the enduring educational efforts of the great Sephardi scholar Chaim Hezekiah Medini, came to conform with traditional Judaism. [127] Al-Muqaddasi, writing ca.985, mentions Khazar beyond the Caspian sea as a district of "woe and squalor", with honey, many sheep and Jews. Having no choice, the kaghan agreed, and the Arabs returned home in triumph. An internecine war broke out between the senior eastern Göktürks and the junior West Turkic Khaganate some decades later, when on the death of Taspar Qağan, a succession dispute led to a dynastic crisis between Taspar's chosen heir, the Apa Qağan, and the ruler appointed by the tribal high council, Āshǐnà Shètú (阿史那摄图), the Ishbara Qağan. Other officials in the Khazar government included dignitaries referred to by ibn Fadlan as Jawyshyghr and Kündür, but their responsibilities are unknown. [185][186] The details are both Judaic[note 84] and Türkic: a Türkic ethnogonic myth speaks of an ancestral cave in which the Āshǐnà were conceived from the mating of their human ancestor and a wolf ancestress. [note 32]. In 737, Marwan Ibn Muhammad entered Khazar territory under the guise of seeking a truce. [note 117] The evidence from historians he used has been criticised by Shaul Stampfer[245] and the technical response to such a position from geneticists is mostly dismissive, arguing that, if traces of descent from Khazars exist in the Ashkenazi gene pool, the contribution would be quite minor,[246][247][248][249][note 118] or insignificant. [note 12][note 13] One method for tracing their origins consists in analysis of the possible etymologies behind the ethnonym "Khazar". [146], The word Khazar, as an ethnonym, was last used in the 13th century by a people in the North Caucasus believed to practice Judaism. avec de la broderie dorée . Upon his reinstalment, and despite Busir's treachery during his exile, he sent for Theodora; Busir complied, and she was crowned as Augusta, suggesting that both prized the alliance. 2 juil. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features chemise col maho  [note 46] The decline was contemporary to that suffered by the Transoxiana Sāmānid empire to the east, both events paving the way for the rise of the Great Seljuq Empire, whose founding traditions mention Khazar connections. (, "We are not aware of any nation under the sky that would not have Christians among them. Schipper's first monograph on this was published in the, "There were Arab tribes who were Jews in the time of Muhammad, and a Turkic people who were mainly Jews in South Russia in the ninth century. The gyula line produced the kings of medieval Hungary through descent from Árpád, while the Qabars retained their traditions longer, and were known as "black Hungarians" (fekete magyarság). [95][96] Leo died in mysterious circumstances after his Athenian wife bore him a son, Constantine VI, who on his majority co-ruled with his mother, the dowager. Later Russian chronicles, commenting on the role of the Khazars in the magyarisation of Hungary, refer to them as "White Oghurs" and Magyars as "Black Oghurs". tissu super 100, Tunique  super 100 brodee  The alliance was dropped around 900. Whether Irbis ever existed is open to debate, as is whether he can be identified with one of the many Göktürk rulers of the same name. [172] It is believed that ibn Rustah derived much of his information from the works of his contemporary Abu al Jayhani based in Central Asia. Vente de vêtements africains en bazin , super 100, style Naija -- Le moins cher Le plus cher De A à Z De Z à A Produits en stock Tri [218] Ten years later, in 1942, Abraham N. Polak (sometimes referred to as Poliak), later professor for the history of the Middle Ages at Tel Aviv University, published a Hebrew monograph in which he concluded that the East European Jews came from Khazaria. matiere 100% coton et véritable broderie, Tunique brodée super 100 However, rather than having been made by Jews, these appear to be shamanistic sun discs." [note 48] The orderly hierarchical system of succession by "scales" (lestvichnaia sistema:лествичная система) to the Grand Principate of Kyiv was arguably modelled on Khazar institutions, via the example of the Rus' Khaganate. [103] The Qağan was forced to accept terms involving conversion to Islam, and to subject himself to the Caliphate, but the accommodation was short-lived as a combination of internal instability among the Umayyads and Byzantine support undid the agreement within three years, and the Khazars re-asserted their independence. style bazin . Caliph Yazid II responded, sending 25,000 Arab troops north, swiftly driving the Khazars back across the Caucasus, recovering Derbent, and advancing on Balanjar. (, Rabbinic Judaism rather than Qaraism was the form adopted. Dunlop and most recently Golb have demonstrated that Hasdai's letter, Joseph's response (dating perhaps from the 950s) and the 'Cambridge Document' are, indeed, authentic." ", "New remarks on the flow of Byzantine coins in Avaria and Walachia during the second half of the seventh century", "Expansion and Contraction Patterns of Large Polities: Context for Russia", "East-West Orientation of Historical Empires", "Yiddish Evidence for the Khazar Component in the Ashkenazic ethnogenesis", "The Khazars and Byzantium –The First Encounter", Resources – Medieval Jewish History – The Khazars, The Kitab al-Khazari of Judah Hallevi, full English translation at, Ancient lost capital of the Khazar kingdom found, International Organization of Turkic Culture (TÜRKSOY), Organization of the Eurasian Law Enforcement Agencies with Military Status (TAKM), State with limited international recognition, Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic,, States and territories disestablished in the 960s, States and territories established in the 650s, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles containing Turkish-language text, Articles containing Azerbaijani-language text, Articles containing Bashkir-language text, Articles containing Persian-language text, Articles containing Ukrainian-language text, Articles containing Russian-language text, Articles containing Hungarian-language text, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2013, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2016, Articles lacking reliable references from November 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 March 2021, at 06:49. [71] The Khazar Qağans, while taking wives and concubines from the subject populations, were protected by a Khwârazmian guard corps, or comitatus, called the Ursiyya. 28 juil. In 695, the last Heraclian emperor, Justinian II, nicknamed "the slit-nosed" (ὁ ῥινότμητος) after he was mutilated and deposed, was exiled to Cherson in the Crimea, where a Khazar governor (tudun) presided. [29][30] The objections are that Uyğur 葛薩 Gésà/Qasar was not a tribal name but rather the surname of the chief of the 思结 Sijie tribe (Sogdian: Sikari) of the Toquz Oğuz (Ch. pour une confection sur mesure merci de préciser vos mensurations dans la rubrique commentaire ( épaule , taille, hanche, poitrine, longueur manche , tour de bras , longueur haut ), Ensemble pantalon plus tunique et chapeau  The Āshǐnà clan whose tribal name was Tür(ü)k, appear on the scene by 552, when they overthrew the Rourans and established the Göktürk Qağanate. Göktürk armies had penetrated the Volga by 549, ejecting the Avars, who were then forced to flee to the sanctuary of the Hungarian plain. (, "Salo Baron, who incorrectly viewed them as Finno-Ugrians, believed that the Khazars 'sent many offshoots into the unsubdued Slavonic lands, helping ultimately to build up the great Jewish centers of eastern Europe'" (, "Some limit this denial to European Jews and make use of the theory that the Jews of Europe are not of Israelite descent at all but are the offspring of a tribe of Central Asian Turks converted to Judaism, called the Khazars. [83] It was profits from the latter which enabled it to maintain a standing army of Khwarezm Muslim troops. The First Arab-Khazar War began during the first phase of Muslim expansion. The state became the autonomous entity of Rus' and then of Khazar former provinces (Khwarazm in which Khazars were known as Turks, just as Hungarians were known as Turks in Byzantium) in Volga Bulgaria. [225][note 107] Raphael Patai, however, registered some support for the idea that Khazar remnants had played a role in the growth of Eastern European Jewish communities,[note 108] and several amateur researchers, such as Boris Altschüler (1994),[196] kept the thesis in the public eye. [155] One important condition for mass conversion was a settled urban state, where churches, synagogues or mosques provided a focus for religion, as opposed to the free nomadic lifestyle of life on the open steppes. Korobkin citing Golb & Pritsak notes that Khazars have often been connected with Kyiv's foundations. Save for the king, the Khazarians are said to have converted to Islam in order to secure an alliance, and the Turks were, with Khwarezm's military assistance, repelled. avec broderie noire . [note 57][note 58][note 59][160] Archaeological evidence for conversion, on the other hand, remains elusive,[note 60][note 61] and may reflect either the incompleteness of excavations, or that the stratum of actual adherents was thin. [136][note 47] Whatever successor entity survived, it could no longer function as a bulwark against the pressure east and south of nomad expansions. [note 27] The ruling elite wintered in the city and spent from spring to late autumn in their fields. Something of its nature may be deduced from what we know of the rites and beliefs of contiguous tribes, such as the North Caucasian Huns. tunique style bazin , dashiki, Chemise Bordeaux manche longue customisee avec du wax kente The capital Atil reflected the division: Kharazān on the western bank where the king and his Khazar elite, with a retinue of some 4,000 attendants, dwelt, and Itil proper to the East, inhabited by Jews, Christians, Muslims and slaves and by craftsmen and foreign merchants. In 713 or 714, Umayyad general Maslamah conquered Derbent and drove deeper into Khazar territory. [note 18] By 568, these Göktürks were probing for an alliance with Byzantium to attack Persia. Whatever was struck by lightning, man or object, was considered a sacrifice to the high god of heaven. 28 févr. Her attendants returned home, convinced that some Arab faction had poisoned her, and her father was enraged. While the Khazar language went extinct centuries ago, modern Turkic languages still refer to the Caspian Sea as the "Khazar Sea" (cf. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème mode africaine, boubou, tenue africaine. "[note 119] Voir plus d'idées sur le … Byzantine and Khazar forces may have clashed in the Crimea, and by the 940s emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus was speculating in De Administrando Imperio about ways in which the Khazars could be isolated and attacked. 2019 - Découvrez le tableau "Boubou homme" de Yaye Khady Soumahoro sur Pinterest. 28 janv. Voir plus d'idées sur le … Voir plus d'idées sur le … Homme Il y a 49 produits. [250][251] One geneticist, Raphael Falk, has argued that "national and ethnic prejudices play a central role in the controversy. [240] I think that his conclusions have gone well beyond the evidence. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème mode africaine robe, tenue africaine, mode africaine. [65] The 10th-century Muslim geographer al-Iṣṭakhrī claimed that the White Khazars were strikingly handsome with reddish hair, white skin, and blue eyes, while the Black Khazars were swarthy, verging on deep black, as if they were "some kind of Indian". [59] Historians have often referred to this period of Khazar domination as the Pax Khazarica since the state became an international trading hub permitting Western Eurasian merchants safe transit across it to pursue their business without interference. chemise col mah  Much earlier, Tzitzak, the Khazar wife of Leo III, introduced into the Byzantine court the distinctive kaftan or riding habit of the nomadic Khazars, the tzitzakion (τζιτζάκιον), and this was adopted as a solemn element of imperial dress. [note 72] New numismatic evidence of coins dated 837/8 bearing the inscriptions arḍ al-ḫazar (Land of the Khazars), or Mûsâ rasûl Allâh (Moses is the messenger of God, in imitation of the Islamic coin phrase: Muḥammad rasûl Allâh) suggest to many the conversion took place in that decade. [122], A visitor to Atil wrote soon after the sacking of the city that its vineyards and garden had been razed, that not a grape or raisin remained in the land, and not even alms for the poor were available. During the 7th and 8th centuries, the Khazars fought a series of wars against the Umayyad Caliphate and its Abbasid successor. On beholding this my eyes would brighten, my reins would exult, my lips would pour forth praises to God, who has not withdrawn his favour from his afflicted ones." Horse sacrifices were made to this supreme deity.

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