regulation 298 of the education act

298, s. 7 (2). 1990, Reg. The provision of special education programs and services for students of the province is governed by the Education Act, the regulations made under the Act, policy/program memoranda, and ministry policy documents. 1990, Reg. 4. This Act may be cited as the Education Act. (5.2) A teacher’s interval for a lunch break shall be not less than forty consecutive minutes and need not coincide with the scheduled interval for the lunch break of any other teacher or any pupil. (3) A board may permit a person to conduct religious exercises or to provide instruction that includes indoctrination in a particular religion or religious belief in a school if. 1990, Reg. 1990, Reg. (c)  was employed by a board on the 1st day of September, 1978 as principal or vice-principal of an elementary school that had an enrolment on the last school day in April, 1978 that was greater than 125 and less than 300. such teacher may be assigned or appointed as a principal or vice-principal, as the case may be, of any elementary school operated by that board or its successor board. (5) Despite subsections (4) and 19 (5), whether or not a teacher holds a degree. 183/10, s. 6. 1990/139: 11 Oct 1990 R.R.O. The Education Act specifies goals for Alberta’s Early Childhood Services to Grade 12 (ECS-12) education system and identifies the roles and responsibilities of the Ministry, school boards, charter schools, private schools, teachers, parents and students. The maximum enrolment in a special education class shall depend upon the extent of the exceptionalities of the pupils in the class and the special education services that are available to the teacher, but in no case shall the enrolment in a self-contained class exceed. These Regulations consolidate, with amendments, the Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 1995, to which there have been a number of subsequent amendments. 1990, Reg. (1) A board shall not appoint a person to teach under section 21 or in accordance with a Letter of Permission if the individual is or has ever been a member of the Ontario College of Teachers. EDUCATION ACT. R.R.O. 341/10, s. 1. (1) Subject to subsections (2) and (3), a board shall not permit any person to conduct religious exercises or to provide instruction that includes indoctrination in a particular religion or religious belief in a school. O. Reg. (a)  the exercises are not conducted or the instruction is not provided by or under the auspices of the board; (b)  the exercises are conducted or the instruction is provided on a school day at a time that is before or after the school’s instructional program, or on a day that is not a school day; (c)  no person is required by the board to attend the exercises or instruction; and. 14. 191/04, s. 6 (2). 5. (b)  on or before October 2, 1981, the teacher was assigned or appointed to teach general studies in a secondary school and on June 30, 1982 was teaching in a secondary school. 1990, Reg. R.R.O. O.I.C. 19. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 29/08, s. 3. O. Reg. 17. WHEREAS under section 12 of the Act respecting private education (chapter E-9.1) and section 8 of the Regulation respecting the application of the Act, the application must be accompanied by security to guarantee the faithful execution of the obligations of the institution under Chapter IV of the Act. 298, s. 9 (4). 1990, Reg. (7) The other qualified person or persons who perform the duties shall be responsible to the board for the performance of such duties. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. O. Reg. 183/10, s. 2 (1). (1) Where, under section 290 of the Act, more than two classes where French is the language of instruction are established in an elementary school that is not a French-language elementary school, the board that operates the school shall appoint one of the teachers of such classes or a teacher who holds the qualifications required to teach such classes to be responsible to the principal for the program of education in such classes. national policies and programmes relatiJ.J.g to pre-tertiary education. Revised legislation carried on this site may not be fully up to date. (3) An appointment under this section is valid for ten school days commencing with the day on which the person is appointed. (4) Every board shall provide without charge for the use of each pupil enrolled in a day school operated by the board such textbooks selected under subsections (1) and (2) as relate to the courses in which the pupil is enrolled. 1990, Reg. R.R.O. You may be able to obtain assistance from a lawyer or paralegal. Regulation 181/98: Identification and Placement of Exceptional Pupils Governs the identification and placement of exceptional pupils, IPRC reviews, appeal procedures, and the role of parent(s)/guardian(s) in these processes. R.R.O. Housing Services Act, 2011. 8. 298, s. 31; O. Reg. 298, s. 18 (2). Education Act (CHAPTER 87) (Original Enactment: Ordinance 45 of 1957) REVISED EDITION 1985 (30th March 1987) An Act relating to education and registration of schools. 1990, Reg. 613/00, s. 1 (3). 29/08, s. 3. (2) Every principal, including the principal of an evening class or classes or of a class or classes conducted outside the school year, shall hold at least one emergency drill in the period during which the instruction is given. (h)  show respect for school property. 298 of R.R.O. This was an act providing for the establishment and maintenance of an integrated system of education. R.R.O. 3. (a)  in a class for pupils who are emotionally disturbed or socially maladjusted, for pupils who have severe learning disabilities, or for pupils who are younger than compulsory school age and have impaired hearing, eight pupils; (b)  in a class for pupils who are blind, for pupils who are deaf, for pupils who have developmental disabilities, or for pupils with speech and language disorders, ten pupils; (c)  in a class for pupils who are hard of hearing, for pupils with limited vision, or for pupils with orthopaedic or other physical handicaps, twelve pupils; (d)  in a class for pupils who have mild intellectual disabilities, twelve pupils in the primary division and sixteen pupils in the junior and intermediate divisions; (e)  in an elementary school class for pupils who are gifted. (b)  the teacher in respect of whom the application is made. 298, s. 5 (2). (iii)  twenty-five pupils, if the class consists only of pupils in the junior division or intermediate division; (f)  in a class for aphasic or autistic pupils, or for pupils with multiple handicaps for whom no one handicap is dominant, six pupils; and. Our staff can't provide legal advice, interpret the law or conduct research. (2) A program of education about religion shall, (a)  promote respect for the freedom of conscience and religion guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; and. This is the English version of a bilingual regulation. (a)  the provision of supervision of instruction; (b)  assistance and advice to the teachers in respect of whom the supervisory officer was given notice under subsection 11 (5); and. 29/08, s. 4; O. Reg. Aleyan Celso 2. R.R.O. (11) A principal, subject to the approval of the appropriate supervisory officer, may arrange for home instruction to be provided for a pupil where, (a)  medical evidence that the pupil cannot attend school is provided to the principal; and. (3) Where a board referred to in subsection (1) provides, (a)  daily transportation for its resident pupils; or. Regulation of 14 February 2017 on the core curriculum for preschool education and the core curriculum for general education in primary schools, incl. 1990, Reg. In the case of a pupil who is less than 18 years old, if the pupil’s parent or guardian applies to the principal of the school for an exemption from the exercises. Consolidation Period:  From January 30, 2021 to the e-Laws currency date. (3) In the selection of textbooks under subsection (2), preference shall be given to books that have been written by Canadian authors and edited, printed and bound in Canada. school policies or guidelines related to policies and guidelines established by the board under subsection 302 (5) of the Act respecting appropriate dress for pupils in schools within the board’s jurisdiction. 1990, Reg. O.I.C. (6) Despite subsection (1), a teacher who, before the 1st day of September, 1970, held the necessary qualifications as principal of a secondary school may be assigned or appointed as a principal or vice-principal of a secondary school. 121/13, s. 1. O. Reg. R.R.O. R.R.O. R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 1990, Reg. R.R.O. R.R.O. (a)  in which there is a French-language instructional unit as defined in subsection 1 (1) of the Act, who does not hold qualifications to teach in the French language as required by subsection 19 (9) or is qualified to teach in such unit only under subsection 19 (10); or. O. Reg. 206/09, s. 2. (2) A board shall not appoint a person to teach under section 21 or in accordance with a Letter of Permission unless the person has provided to the board a written statement that any teaching certificate or licence granted to him or her by another jurisdiction is not cancelled, suspended or revoked for any reason other than for failure to pay fees or levies to the governing body. (iii)  has agreed to the assignment or appointment. A teacher whose certificate of qualification and registration indicates a qualification to teach in grades 9 and 10 in a technological education subject listed in Schedule B or grades 11 and 12 in a technological education subject listed in Schedule B may be assigned or appointed to teach any technological education subject in grades 9 and 10 or grades 11 and 12. 1990, Reg. in the language in which the instruction is provided. ONTARIO regulation 613/00. (d)  a teacher whose certificate of qualification and registration indicates qualifications in technological education in vocational art, instrumental music or vocal music may be assigned or appointed to teach art, instrumental music or vocal music, as the case may be, in general studies in a secondary school. R.R.O. (i)  twenty pupils, if the class consists only of pupils in the primary division, (ii)  twenty-three pupils, if the class includes at least one pupil in the primary division and at least one pupil in the junior division or intermediate division, and. 298, s. 28 (1). 298, s. 13 (4); O. Reg. O. Reg. (10) A principal shall transmit reports and recommendations to the board through the appropriate supervisory officer. O. Reg. 2012 Chapter E-0.3 ... EDUCATION ACT . (4) A principal shall only make a recommendation to the board under subclause (3) (j) (ii) after warning the teacher in writing, giving the teacher assistance and allowing the teacher a reasonable time to improve. (13) In each school year, the principal of a school shall make the names of the members of the school council known to the parents of the pupils enrolled in the school, by publishing those names in a school newsletter or by such other means as is likely to bring the names to the attention of the parents. 67 of 2013 as amended, taking into account amendments up to Australian Education Amendment Act 2017: An Act in relation to school education and reforms relating to school education, and for related purposes: Administered by: Education, Skills and Employment Any pupil who is enrolled in or seeks to be admitted to the secondary school’s day program and has qualified for an Ontario secondary school diploma. (17) The principal of a school shall act as a resource person to the school council and shall assist the council in obtaining information relevant to the functions of the council, including information relating to relevant legislation, regulations and policies. 1990, Reg. (4) A teacher appointed under subsection (3) may be appointed to direct and supervise more than one organizational unit. formerly under Social Housing Reform Act, 2000. 298, s. 7 (1). (“éducation technologique”)  R.R.O. 1990, REGULATION 298. O. Reg. 1990, Reg. 95/96, s. 1. O. Reg. 298, s. 17 (1). INTRODUCTION. (b)  reimbursement for board and lodging and for transportation once a week to and from the places of residence of its resident pupils. 1990, Reg. 183/10, s. 2 (2). (2) It is a condition of the payment of a legislative grant in respect of capital cost that the plans and details referred to in subsection (1) be approved by the Minister. O. Reg. (2) When a pupil returns to school after an absence, a parent of the pupil, or the pupil where the pupil is an adult, shall give the reason for the absence orally or in writing as the principal requires. 298, s. 23 (3). (3) In the absence of the principal of a school, a vice-principal, where a vice-principal has been appointed for the school, shall be in charge of the school and shall perform the duties of the principal. 4 Definitions 298, s. 13 (5); O. Reg. 1990, Reg. (3) A teacher who completed, before September 1, 2010, at least two years of successful teaching of locally developed secondary school courses approved by the Ministry of Education related to the technological education subject of Green Industries may be assigned or appointed to teach the technological education subject of Green Industries. “jurisdiction outside Ontario” means a province or territory of Canada, other than Ontario, or a country, state or other territory outside Canada. (8) There shall be a morning recess and an afternoon recess, each of which shall be not less than ten minutes and not more than fifteen minutes in length, for pupils in the primary and junior divisions. 298, s. 3 (7). 191/04, s. 10; O. Reg. 95/96, s. 1. 1990, Reg. (2) A board may appoint or assign an individual to a position in the board for up to one year if. R.R.O. Sections 28 and 29 do not apply to a Roman Catholic board or to a Protestant separate school board. 2 Commencement This regulation commences on 1 January 2014. Act to amend the Education Act 1998; to amend the Teaching Council Act 2001; to repeal the Scientific and Technological Education (Investment) Fund Act 1997 and the Scientific and Technological Education (Investment) Fund (Amendment) Act 1998; and to provide for related matters O. Reg. 183/10, s. 6. 298, s. 26 (1). An act to repeal the education law, to provide for a co-ordinated system of public education, the registration and inspection of independent schools and the registration of teacherss, and for purposes incidental to or connected with the matters aforesaid implementation plans for school policies or guidelines related to policies and guidelines established by the board under subsection 302 (5) of the Act respecting appropriate dress for pupils in schools within the board’s jurisdiction. 78/14, s. 1 (1). (iii)  where a parent of a pupil has been requested to compensate the board for damage to or destruction, loss or misappropriation of school property by the pupil and the parent has not done so, that the parent of the pupil has not compensated the board; (m)  where it is proposed to administer a test of intelligence or personality to a pupil, inform the pupil and the parent of the pupil of the test and obtain the prior written permission for the test from the pupil or from the parent of the pupil, where the pupil is a minor; (n)  report promptly any neglect of duty or infraction of the school rules by a pupil to the parent or guardian of the pupil; (o)  promote and maintain close co-operation with residents, industry, business and other groups and agencies of the community; (p)  provide to the Minister or to a person designated by the Minister any information that may be required concerning the instructional program, operation or administration of the school and inform the appropriate supervisory officer of the request; (q)  assign suitable quarters for pupils to eat lunch. O. Reg. 1990, Reg. O. Reg. (7) Whether or not a teacher holds a degree, a teacher may be assigned or appointed to teach cooperative education in a secondary school if the teacher’s certificate of qualification and registration indicates a qualification in the primary division, the junior division, the intermediate division in a general education subject listed in Schedule A, the senior division in a general education subject listed in Schedule A, grades 9 and 10 in a technological education subject listed in Schedule B or grades 11 and 12 in a technological education subject listed in Schedule B.  O. Reg. The establishment or amendment of school policies and guidelines that relate to pupil achievement or to the accountability of the education system to parents, including, i.  a local code of conduct established under subsection 303 (1) or (2) of the Act governing the behaviour of all persons in the school, and. 1990, Reg. O. Reg. Listed below is the legislation for which the Department has been responsible since the foundation of the State. 11.1 (1) For the purpose of assisting pupils in their course selection, a principal of a secondary school shall inform the pupils described in subsection (2) of ways to earn a credit that are alternatives to enrolment as a full-time pupil, such as enrolment as a part-time pupil, enrolment in a continuing education course or class, or enrolment in a course of study provided by electronic means, but not including enrolment in a private school. (1) This section applies with respect to opening and closing exercises in public elementary schools and in public secondary schools. R.R.O. 298, s. 9 (3); O. Reg. Authorised by the ACT Parliamentary Counsel—also accessible at . R.R.O. (ii)  the demotion or dismissal of teachers whose work or attitude is unsatisfactory; (k)  provide for instruction of pupils in the care of the school premises; (l)  inspect the school premises at least weekly and report forthwith to the board. 183/10, s. 6. (3) Despite subsection (1), a board may reduce the length of the instructional program on each school day to less than five hours a day for an exceptional pupil in a special education program. (2) A vice-principal shall perform such duties as are assigned to the vice-principal by the principal. 298 12. This regulation is the Australian Education Regulation 2013. This regulation may be cited as the Education (General Provisions) Regulation 2017. (c)  in the case of a school established under Part XII of the Act and in which French is the language of instruction, a teacher who is eligible to teach in such a school under subsection 19 (9) or (10). 1990, Reg. 20. 298, s. 3 (2). O. Reg. O. Reg. (1) Where no teacher is available, a board may appoint, subject to section 22, a person who is not a teacher or a temporary teacher. A hearing-handicapped child who has attained the age of two years may be admitted to a special education program for the hearing-handicapped. The International Education Act C.C.S.M. 298, s. 26 (3). Preliminary 1. 298, s. 8 (2). 183/10, s. 6. shall notify the appropriate supervisory officer in writing of the impracticability of the duty placed on the principal, having regard to the qualifications of the principal, to supervise the instruction, to conduct performance appraisals and to assist and advise the teachers referred to in the notice. Last amendment: O. Reg. R.R.O. R.R.O. R.R.O. 298, s. 13 (2). 183/10, s. 6. 298, s. 2 (2). 19.2 The Minister of Education may grant to a board a temporary letter of approval in respect of a teacher for a period specified in the letter if the director of education or other board official authorized by the board submits to the Minister an application in the form directed by the Minister attesting or certifying that, (a)  the board finds it necessary to assign or appoint a teacher to teach a subject, teach in a division or hold a position, and the teacher’s certificate of qualification and registration does not indicate the qualifications required under the Act for teaching the subject, teaching in the division or holding the position; and. There are currently no known outstanding effects for the Education and Skills Act 2008, Section 128. 298, s. 23 (1). made under the. 183/10, s. 3 (1). année, as the case may be, both available electronically through a link in the document known in English as Ontario School Record (OSR) Guideline, 2000 and in French as Dossier scolaire de l’Ontario: Guide, 2000, online at or; (j)  co-operate and assist in the administration of tests under the Education Quality and Accountability Office Act, 1996; (k)  participate in regular meetings with pupils’ parents or guardians; (l)  perform duties as assigned by the principal in relation to co-operative placements of pupils; and. (2) A teacher who holds a principal’s certificate described in subsection 40 (1) or (2) of the teachers’ qualifications regulation may only be assigned or appointed to be a principal or vice-principal in accordance with the limitations of the certificate. 27. (a)  be diligent in attempting to master such studies as are part of the program in which the pupil is enrolled; (c)  accept such discipline as would be exercised by a kind, firm and judicious parent; (d)  attend classes punctually and regularly; (e)  be courteous to fellow pupils and obedient and courteous to teachers; (g)  take such tests and examinations as are required by or under the Act or as may be directed by the Minister; and. (ii)  holds a principal’s certificate described in subsection 40 (1) or (2) of the teachers’ qualifications regulation; (b)  in the case of a school in which English is the language of instruction, a teacher who is eligible to teach in such a school under subsection 19 (9) or (10); and. (3) Where, in a secondary school, the enrolment in the classes referred to in subsection (2) is more than 200 pupils, the board shall appoint for such school a vice-principal who is qualified to teach in such classes and who shall be responsible to the principal for the program of education in such classes. O. Reg. 298, s. 7 (4). R.R.O. 298, s. 3 (8). In accordance with Section 2, this act shall apply to and govern both formal and non- formal system in public and private schools in all levels of the entire educational system. R.R.O. (c)  while travelling on a school bus that is owned by a board or on a bus or school bus that is under contract to a board. O. Reg. (2) The following are the pupils referred to in subsection (1): 1. 298, s. 2 (1). Part 4.3 Attendance at non-government schools. 298, s. 26 (2). 1990, Reg. In the case of a pupil who is at least 18 years old, if the pupil applies to the principal for an exemption from the exercises. (B)  the country in which the jurisdiction is located if the jurisdiction is not a country, (ii)  was prepared within six months before the day the board collects the document, and, (iii)  contains information concerning the individual’s personal history of convictions for criminal offences in the jurisdiction; (“relevé des antécédents criminels”), “exchange teacher” means an individual appointed or assigned to a position in a board under subsection (2); (“enseignant d’échange”). (3) The opening or closing exercises may include a period of silence. 492/01, s. 1. (4) A board may appoint a person who holds the qualifications required by subsection (1) as a supervising principal to supervise the administration of two or more elementary schools operated by the board and such person shall be subject to the authority of the appropriate supervisory officer. Note Changes authorised by subpart 2 of Part 2 of the Legislation Act 2012 have been made in this official reprint. 21. R.R.O. (“territoire autre que l’Ontario”)  O. Reg. (2) No teacher shall be assigned or appointed to teach except in accordance with the qualifications recorded on his or her certificate of qualification and registration or as otherwise provided in this Regulation. Effective Date of Order. O. Reg. (2) The opening or closing exercises may include the singing of God Save the Queen and may also include the following types of readings that impart social, moral or spiritual values and that are representative of Ontario’s multicultural society: 1. 298 Subject: OPERATION OF SCHOOLS — GENERAL Author: Office of Legislative Counsel Last modified by: Office of Legislative Counsel Created Date: 8/21/2000 7:57:00 PM Company: Justice Enterprise Other titles: Education Act - R.R.O. O. Reg. R.R.O. R.R.O. 613/00, s. 1 (3). 425/98, s. 1. 298, s. 6 (2). 425/98, s. 1. 298, s. 25 (2); O. Reg. O. Reg. 1990, Reg. 1990, Reg. (14) The principal shall meet the requirements of subsection (13) in each school year not later than 30 days following the election of parent members of the school council. 183/10, s. 2 (1). 298, s. 29 (3). 298, s. 29 (4). (2) The organization of an elementary school may be by divisions or other organizational units. (5) Subsections (1) to (4) apply with necessary modifications to schools or classes for English-speaking pupils established under sections 290 and 291 of the Act. Education Act. 1990, Reg. (2) Where no textbook for a course of study is included in the list of the textbooks approved by the Minister the principal of a school, in consultation with the teachers concerned, shall, where they consider a textbook to be required, select a suitable textbook and, subject to the approval of the board, such textbook may be introduced for use in the school. 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(a)  be responsible for effective instruction, training and evaluation of the progress of pupils in the subjects assigned to the teacher and for the management of the class or classes, and report to the principal on the progress of pupils on request; (b)  carry out the supervisory duties and instructional program assigned to the teacher by the principal and supply such information related thereto as the principal may require; (c)  where the board has appointed teachers under section 14 or 17, co-operate fully with such teachers and with the principal in all matters related to the instruction of pupils; (d)  unless otherwise assigned by the principal, be present in the classroom or teaching area and ensure that the classroom or teaching area is ready for the reception of pupils at least fifteen minutes before the commencement of classes in the school in the morning and, where applicable, five minutes before the commencement of classes in the school in the afternoon; (e)  assist the principal in maintaining close co-operation with the community; (f)  prepare for use in the teacher’s class or classes such teaching plans and outlines as are required by the principal and the appropriate supervisory officer and submit the plans and outlines to the principal or the appropriate supervisory officer, as the case may be, on request; (g)  ensure that all reasonable safety procedures are carried out in courses and activities for which the teacher is responsible; (h)  co-operate with the principal and other teachers to establish and maintain consistent disciplinary practices in the school; (i)  ensure that report cards are fully and properly completed and processed in accordance with the guides known in English as Guide to the Provincial Report Card, Grades 1-8 and Guide to the Provincial Report Card, Grades 9-12, and in French as Guide d’utilisation du bulletin scolaire de l’Ontario de la 1ère à la 8e année and Guide du bulletin scolaire de l’Ontario de la 9e à la 12e

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