sodium ferrocyanide dissociation

Submitted to EFSA on 29 November 2017. Overall, no carcinogenic effect was seen in these studies and neither were there any non‐neoplastic findings observed considered to be of toxicological relevance. SODIUM FERROCYANIDE is a coordination compound of iron. Chemistry, Risk and Management, Simple, rapid and sensitive determination of hexacyanoferrate(II) (ferrocyanide) in salts by flow injection system utilizing anion exchange column as an integrated field for sensitive detection reaction and sepration/preconcentration,,,,,,,,,,,, Content not less than 99.0% of the respective ferrocyanide, Not less than 99.0% of the respective ferrocyanide, Yellow crystals or crystalline powder for sodium and calcium ferrocyanides; lemon yellow crystals for potassium ferrocyanide, Passes test of the respective ferrocyanide, All soluble in water; sodium and potassium ferrocyanides insoluble in ethanol, Use of urinary excretion studies for the assessment of salt intake, Sodium intake data: different methodologies/representativeness, Sodium intake does not only originate from salt, Use of standard body weights for the exposure assessment, Assumption that all salt contains the additives while the Mintel's GNPD indicates that only 13% of the salt products in the database contain ferrocyanides (E 535 and E 536), Salt substitutes partly considered in the exposure assessment (only their sodium content is taken into account), Assumption that reported use levels were expressed as anhydrous ferrocyanide salts. Opinion expressed 1990. Free iron was detected in erythrocytes and free cyanide was detected in urine and expired air. The majority was excreted unchanged in the faeces (approximately 95% of the dose). See more » Coordination complex In chemistry, a coordination complex consists of a central atom or ion, which is usually metallic and is called the coordination centre, and a surrounding array of bound molecules or ions, that are in turn known as ligands or complexing agents. E535 - Sodium ferrocyanide: Prepared from hydrogen ferrocyanide and sodium hydroxide. Dissociation of sodium ferrocyanide - 9362172 Answer: molecular formula of sodium ferrocyanide is Na₄Fe(CN)₆. as it is a coordination compound thus it would break into In a study carried out at BIBRA (British Industrial Biological Research Association) between 1974 and 1976, Wistar rats (48 animals/sex per group, initial body weight 40–60 g) were given 0, 50, 500 or 5,000 mg/kg sodium ferrocyanide decahydrate in the diet (equal to 0, 4.4, 45 and 450.7 mg/kg bw per day for males and 0, 6.2, 62.5 and 630.1 mg/kg bw per day for females) for 2 years (COT, 1994b). We also manufacture sodium ferrocyanide decahydrate. Submitted to EFSA on 29 November 2017. Submitted to EFSA on 29 November 2017. MDL number MFCD00149274. There were no reproductive toxicity studies available and in one prenatal developmental toxicity study in rats (as cited in COT, 1994b) a NOAEL of 1,000 mg sodium ferrocyanide/kg bw per day (the highest dose tested) was identified. Avoid dust formation. Extensive Literature search covering from January 1990 up to May 2018. However, in the 2‐year study, mid‐ and high dose animals frequently showed a higher cell excretion rate in 2‐h urine samples than did controls. Lubelli, B.A. originally ferrocyanide-free, then each spiked with (sodium) ferrocyanide at 1, 5, and 10 mg/kg for the validation study – ranged from 80.3% to 103.5% (RSD = 0.3 – 4.4% ). Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article. Overall, the Panel considered that the use of ferrocyanides as food additives is not of genotoxic concern. Potassium ferrocyanide is of low acute oral toxicity. Sodium ferrocyanide forms gels with heavy metals in general. No other statistically significant treatment‐related effects were reported (COT, 1994b). Information from the Mintel's GNPD showed that from the salt products of subcategory ‘Seasonings’ only 13% was labelled with ferrocyanides (E 535–538) while in the exposure assessment it was assumed that 100% of the salt consumed contains the additive. Data on usage levels of potassium ferrocyanide (E 536) and calcium ferrocyanide (E 538) in foods in response to the EFSA call for food additives usage level and/or concentration data in food and beverages intended for human consumption (Batch 6), Published 23 February 2017. Find here Sodium Ferrocyanide, Na4FeC6N6 manufacturers, suppliers & exporters in India. Combined compendium of food additive specifications, Comparisons of spot vs 24‐h urine samples for estimating population salt intake: validation study in two independent samples of adults in Britain and Italy, Rec assay and mutagenicity studies on metal compounds, A simple method for estimating 24 h urinary sodium and potassium excretion from second morning voiding urine specimen in adults, Determination of Free Cyanide in Ferrocyanides and Ferricyanides, Determination of potassium ferrocyanide in foods by resonance Rayleigh scattering method with basic triaminotriphenylmethane dyes, Determination of potassium ferrocyanide in foods by resonance Rayleigh scattering method with double‐charged triaminotriphenylmethane dyes, Assessment of dietary sodium intake using a food frequency questionnaire and 24‐hour urinary sodium excretion: a systematic literature review, Influences of potassium ferrocyanide on lipid oxidation of salted cod (Gadus morhua) during processing, storage and rehydration, Bioavailability of iron and cyanide from 59Fe‐ and 14C‐labelled hexacyanoferrates(II) in rats, Bioavailability of iron and cyanide from oral potassium ferric hexacyanoferrate(II) in humans, Mutagenic activities of metal compounds in bacteria, Study of the genotoxic potential of 48 inorganic derivatives with the SOS chromotest, Dissociation constants of inorganic acids and bases in aqueous solutions, The determination of ferrocyanide and related compounds in commercial sodium chloride, Reports from the Scientific Committee for Food (25th series). Study of the possible application of sodium ferrocyanide for the prevention of sodium chloride damage in building materials. The Sodium ferrocyanide, with the CAS registry number 13601-19-9, is also known as Ferrate(4-), hexacyano-, tetrasodium. No adverse renal effects were seen at histopathological examination, other than a slight increase in incidence and severity of glomerulonephrosis in males in the first interim study. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. *Please select more than one item to compare Read about company. Part 2: general principles, Guidance on selected default values to be used by the EFSA Scientific Committee, Scientific Panels and Units in the absence of actual measured data, Scientific Opinion on Exploring options for providing advice about possible human health risks based on the concept of Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC), Statement on the applicability of the Margin of Exposure approach for the safety assessment of impurities which are both genotoxic and carcinogenic in substances added to food/feed, Opinion of the Scientific Committee for Animal Nutrition on the safety of potassium and sodium ferrocyanide used as anticaking agents, Pooled results from 5 validation studies of dietary self‐report instruments using recovery biomarkers for potassium and sodium intake, The influence of anticaking agent potassium ferrocyanide and salt on the oxidative stability of frozen minced pork meat, Toxicological evaluation of some food colours, emulsifier, stabilizers, anti‐caking agents and certain other substances. In a study performed concurrently with the 2‐year study, rats (12 animals/sex per group) were given 0, 50, 500 or 5,000 mg/kg sodium ferrocyanide decahydrate in the diet for 49 weeks (COT, 1994b). There was a statistically significant increase in the mean number of cells excreted per hour in 2‐h urine samples of treated animals (both sexes) from the 500 and 5,000 mg/kg groups compared with controls (males: 683, 533, 1,517 and 4,000; females 250, 418, 4,200 and 4,782 in the 0, 50, 500 and 5,000 mg/kg groups, respectively). Get best price and read about company. WHO Food Additives Series, 70.36, Specifications for the identity and purity of food additives and their toxicological evaluation. 59Fe‐activity was detected in liver, spleen, kidney and heart/lungs. However, in the 2‐year study, mid‐ and high dose animals frequently showed a higher cell excretion rate in 2‐h urine samples than did controls. Sodium ferrocyanide did not induce DNA damage. In humans, absorption was 0.25–0.42% (Nielsen et al., 1990b). After about five minutes of centrifugation, it is said that every 0.1 ml of precipitate represents 1% albumin. 539, FAO nutrition meeting report series No.53, Evaluation of certain food additives. OJ L 83, 22.3.2012, p 1. Additional data were identified in the literature search and are summarised below. Powder Pack Chem - Offering Sodium Ferrocyanide, Na4FeC6N6, 13601-19-9, tetrasodium hexacyanoferrate, yellow prussiate of soda, सोडियम फेरो साइनाइड in Mumbai, Maharashtra. 4) Passes test Test the mixture from the Test for ferrocyanide Test for potassium (Retain the mixture for the Test for calcium). The potassium salt is produced by reacting sodium ferrocyanide with calcium hydroxide and potassium chloride and carbonate according to the following reactions: The ANS Panel decided to take into account all surveys from the NDA opinion in the current assessment. Whole body retention (WBR) of 59Fe was measured after 7 days and 59Fe and 14C was measured in blood, liver, spleen, kidneys, heart/lung, gut and carcass after 7–10 days. In addition, the concentrations of urine samples from both sexes in the highest treatment group taken at 6 and 18 h were statistically significantly higher compared to controls. Sodium and potassium ferrocyanide were tested for genotoxicity in human lymphocyte cells in an in vitro Comet assay (Basu et al., 2013). The cyanide ligands are tightly bound to the iron, so it is not as toxic as simple inorganic cyanide salts. 10H 2 O . Title. Sodium ferrocyanide is the sodium salt of the coordination compound of formula [Fe(CN)6]4−. Please check your email for instructions on resetting your password. Overall, potassium ferrocyanide was absorbed to a limited extent from the gastrointestinal tract following oral administration to rats (unpublished data from Gage (1950), cited in JECFA (1975); Nielsen et al., 1990a). European Potato Processors’ Association (EUPPA), 2017. : 13601-19-9 Purity: ≥98.00% 1 USD/Gram SHANDONG BELIEVE CHEMICAL PTE LTD No further details included in the JECFA evaluation. Submitted in November 2013. Overall, treatment‐related effects were observed in kidneys (higher organ weight, tubular damage and granular and calcified deposits) in rats given 0.5% and 5% sodium ferrocyanide (450 and 4,500 mg/kg bw per day) in the diet for 13 weeks (unpublished study by Oser (1959), cited in JECFA (1975)). Blood was analysed for total red blood cell (RBC) and white blood cell (WBC) counts, differential WBC count (0 and 5,000 mg/kg groups only), haemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume (PCV) and reticulocyte count (0 and 5,000 mg/kg groups only).

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