what are morally virtuous actions dependent on?

41 An Introduction to Kant’s Moral Theory Heather Wilburn. The “physical object” should not be confused with the “moral object” of the action (one and the same physical action may be the object of different moral acts, e.g., cutting with a scalpel may be a surgical operation or a homicide). Traditional moral theories have tended to focus on the moral act rather than the agent. But the action which he opts to do marks Macbeth’s tragic flaw. John Paul II, Enc. In addition, these two excellences, or virtues, are intimately connected, so that the one cannot be had without the other ( Nicomachean Ethics 6.13, 1144 b 30-2; 10.8, 1178 a 16-19). Morality is defined by duties and one’s action is moral if it is an act motivated by duty. If virtue is dependent on our character, it can demonstrate itself through habit. However, being morally virtuous might hinder another aspect of a … an action A is morally right in a case if and only if, were the agent ideally well-informed and possessed of every moral virtue in the manner of a perfectly virtuous agent in an otherwise similar case, then he might do A. There can be several actions each of which is morally right in a case. A virtuous action will be experienced as pleasurable and likewise, a non-virtuous action be experienced as pain by a virtuous person. - Argues morality should be agent centered, focused on Aristotle's idea of developing your telos, otherwise we're in danger of losing our moral wisdom. Actions which bring about pain are likely not to be virtuous. The virtuous person not only knows what the good thing to do is, she is also emotionally attached to it. For Aristotle, if people gain good habits of character, their decisions can be more reasonable. He wants to step up the ladder of power. Therefore, in time, habits can be changed by the agent. arguments "justifying" adherence to the moral action guide serve to justify adherence to the moral life guide. - Our behaviour and actions judged to decide whether it's a morally virtuous or an example excellence. For Kant, morality is not defined by the consequences of our actions, our emotions, or an external factor. Rosalind Hursthouse argues: "An action is right iff it is what a virtuous agent would characteristically do in the circumstances, except for in tragic dilemmas, in which a decision is right if it is what the agent would choose, but the action decided upon … Ibid. We all try to be as virtuous as possible. Macbeth by William Shakespeare is a tragedy of moral downfall. For example, if a non-virtuous man changes his character and becomes a virtuous man he can achieve the best life. 80; Cf. That is why 'might' figures instead of ‘would’. In other words, victim signalers were more interested in looking morally good but less interested in being morally good than those who less frequently signal their victimhood. Second, for Kant, striving to be virtuous should be taken to be an imperfect duty, not mere recommendation. Somewhere deep inside his mind, there is an urge for social mobility. Veritatis splendor, 78. The title character, Macbeth, is a victim of his aggressive desires. Morally Virtuous Virtue and morality are things we all possess to some degree. Lying is bad, for the consequentialist, because it causes pain and suffering. Morally speaking, Kant is a deontologist; from the Greek, this is the science of duties. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1756. It is still necessary to learn about which sort of actions are virtuous and thus promote eudaimonia as children. It is a daunting task to be the most morally virtuous since we are competing against each other everyday. First, moral feeling can be understood as an indicator of how virtuous a person is: the more pleasure a moral agent subjectively feels about his action from duty, the more virtuous he is.

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