who is more loyal male or female

And assumptions are based on feelings and feelings aren't logical so if you're assuming then that means you are one of them. You should choose breed on basis of your activity level, grooming, size, looks (if necessary) etc etc. How do you show your wife you love her? I have both male and female Chihuahuas and both sexes are very bonded and very loyal to both my husband and I. Male and female Cane Corsos are amazing guard dogs. It is been talked about this issue several times in Psychology and Mind, but it is not been yet echoed one of the recurring questions on this topic: What gender does infidelity practice most? Honestly depends if gentleman or not can be man or woman. For example, the U.S. adult population is 49% male and 51% female. And you don't realize that makes it at the bottom of Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement. Classic movies. And i also give you many more the completely do. Using my family & friends as the basis of my study, I actually think women are more faithful most women I know will put up with a lot of crap from their guy before straying where guys can loose sight of what's important in their relationship and drive it down a path of infidelity, Stereotypically women are, but it just comes down to people's individual personalities. Is it wrong to be physically attracted to someone whilst in a relationship? I really doubt you have encontered anyone like me besides yourself. On the other hand I always said that my opinion comes from my experience, from what I have seen and know. The sex of the dog, has absolutely nothing to do with Loyalty! Wanna waste time by changing what you said in your first post? But the city i live in a loyal relationship is basically impossible to get no matter what gender you are. 6.4K opinions shared on Relationships topic. 250 opinions shared on Relationships topic. ... men and women tend to cheat in different ways—which may explain why the Ashley Madison user base is allegedly all male… For example, most police and military dogs are males. You have no visible proof of what you are saying. Most young women aren't interested in rela commitment. Why posting my opinion if I am calling you bitter? I actually done it here facing a bitter women about men but i argued with facts not feelings. @Aiko_E_Lara you are not an accurate representation of guys here. Don't like it? Sorry didn't mean to hurt your feelings.Difference is they gather proof and listen to both sides. You: I refuses to accept those facts. So yes the fact that me saying you're assuming still stands. You do know that nothing about you indicates joke. And no saying it's a "joke" is just predictable. According to Omokri, female children are loyal and this is a thing that can not be said for most 204 opinions shared on Relationships topic. It doenst matter if you are male or female, your sex does not make you more or less of an asshole. @Aiko_E_Lara "And it wouldn't be funny if I make sexist or generalizing joke if I do it against women. " Easy Answers. You can't even read your own comment. A survey reveals that, at least in Spain, women would be more unfaithful on average than men. Peacock's gotta fly! ThisIsMyOpinion: you just assume stuffAlso ThisIsMyOpinion: *assumes guys are bitter*Do you wanna continue proving your irony? That is because simply no elections are held in Vatican City, and consequently, neither male nor female … @Aiko_E_Lara Sure I am the delusional one...Oh yes you can call me whatever you want really. There is no differance. There are many reasons why both men and women are tempted to commit infidelities. Then prove it. And just because we are saying men does it really mean disloyal? Also FYI what you experience is not what everyone else experience. Stats say men most often cheat, but that doesn’t really matter much. @Aiko_E_Lara No, it's trying to get you to the main point again. @Aiko_E_Lara You know that you don't need to agree for it to work right?Anyway, your tactic is just asking for proof when you can't present any of your own. One long-standing myth about dogs, is that female dogs tend to be more loyal than their male counterparts. Nigerian author Reno Omokri has penned down a post explaining why female kids are way more valuable than male kids. Whereas men sit back n relax when they feel they’ve found the one? I don't think the gender matters as much as which breed you get. 690 opinions shared on Relationships topic. And of course you don't know what that mentality make you sound like. My main points are, try to focus now, women cheat more and many guys here are bitter. But you know what I can shut up. Both male and female pit bulls are usually friendly and good with children. Women are more prone to express their unhappiness, where men are more inclined to keep it internal. Once women commit to a relationship they're generally more loyal, they'll just leave if they want different for the most part. I think women are a bit more extreme about either and men are a bit more in the middle. Even so come on! You still manage to miss it! I much prefer females and I also find them easier to train and happier to be with me all the time. Because you are falling at prove my main point wrong. Dogs need different levels of exercise to keep them happy and … If you want a Vizsla who loves to please you, more playful, and likely to bond with all family members equally, then you may want to get a male. Sizewise, female and male Labrador retrievers are comparable, with females slightly smaller, but both are sturdy, muscular, and athletic with the male a bit more substantial. Unless we see them our selves but we don't. When women cheat, they come off as victims. Vote Reply Share Report Save level 1 Original Poster 5 minutes ago It's a fun question don't take it serious. Basing things on feelings not even making any actual data while you're saying you're not bitter? 403 opinions shared on Relationships topic. All contradictory. That's not how the world works exactly. Assumptions are based on feelings and feelings aren't logical. Anyways i only responded and why do you care if I didn't get your joke? Who is even more loyal male or female? Like desperately trying to win they saying it's a joke at the end that sounds pretty familiar though. They do. 2.1K opinions shared on Relationships topic. The Differences Between A Male & Female Siberian Husky. I have had 5 aussies 3 females and 2 males. Although there are various factors to consider when deciding whether to have a male or female cat, there is currently no evidence to support that either gender is more loyal than the other. You can't even read your own comment. I can prove you wrong while you say some opinion you're not right either. You know, you can eat your words anytime and finish what you started. It seems that times have changed, and also in what affects sexual intercourse. The only reason guys here think women cheat more it's because they are bitter guys. Also can I say my mytake is also a joke so you'll just shut up? Because what if i told you you didn't indicate any joke either. In addition, you can ask yourself other questions about the same thing: do men or women feel more guilt when they commit an infidelity? You are simply asking me for proof and not presenting some yourself. 544 opinions shared on Relationships topic. @Aiko_E_Lara You are defenitly the guy going against the glass door. Dogs adore the humans in their lives, regardless of gender. And when they're interest diminish , they're interest are manufested and invested somewhere else. If you already have a male or female, a dog of the opposite sex is generally the best choice. Because what you wanna do is just assume and compare. Hate to admit this but I think overall men are. It depends on the bond that the owner has with their dog. @Aiko_E_Lara Again observation is a used scientific method in many fields. Its really difficult to say but I bet its really close. No they don't because i give you facts that you are assuming not because they don't. That, depends on popularity, opportunities and how happy they are with that person not just based on gender... C. Both and neither, this is more of an individual thing than a gender thing. The answer that consistently floated around was yes. It says that women have less loyalty than men. It depends on the person doing it. Vatican City is a only nation in the world with no voting or perhaps electoral rights, which includes no voting rights for women like us. But I will put $1000 down that more women cheat than men. This is where we are.This is it. Women used to be more loyal and men strayed more but now it's about equal. You can sign in to vote the answer. I own a male dog, and he is the most loyal dog I have ever seen. @Aiko_E_Lara You don't have to assume I laugh at you I did. You disagree because I have no date besides observation to back it up. You have been avoiding the main point from the start. 007 & Pussy Galore. Never miss a beat with MailOnline's latest news for … I've seen many salty @ThisIsMyOpinion 's here. In case you missed that. Being so egotistic of your opinion just because of how you feel about it is just weak and ofcourse you haven't thought about that. Some spelling variations of the name Loyal might be more popular than others. I think like everything else it will vary from dog to dog. Are Male or Female Dogs More Loyal? Now you're sure, you can continue proving to me how delusional you are. You know we all have different "all seeing eye" so that won't exactly make you the Mr. right guy here. So is that 62% of yours without any evidence is already based on assumptions. Because you have no real case. It is in fact assumptions if you want to jump to that conclusion without seeing the actual data and statistics. @Aiko_E_Lara I am not understanding half of what you mena by now, but let's see if I get it...I believe you made a joke and I miss it, but unlike me you said you did on the post after you made it. I actually laugh at that one. Facts vs feelings, I go with facts. Some names are more gender neutral than others, and some names are more strongly associated with either males or females. There are girls too, yes but not nearly as much. Especially when this is question made by you! This also sometimes works the other way around, with male dog and female … Because you being bitter is my opinion. That is because simply no elections are held in Vatican City, and consequently, neither male nor female … Again there is no difference between the two sexes. @Aiko_E_Lara Again with the meaningless logic. Well you are saying many times it is based on your experience i am only saying you are assuming just because it's what you experience i want you experience is not what anyone else experienced so you are assuming but if you want to keep defending your opinion like as if it's a fact then you're delusional. Female customers are indeed more loyal than male customers to individuals, such as specific service providers (e.g., a hair dresser, a doctor, a salesperson). You simply don't admit that. Because I can also say you should open your eyes to see there are also many women here getting bitter. @Aiko_E_Lara Now I am confused, trying to get away with what? Yes you definitely can't prove anything if you don't have any data as logical and rational people are result oriented. I think females are more loyal, but that is a very generalized opinion. By the way have given up on the main topic? The results, although adjusted, may indicate a curious trend: 52% of women acknowledged having been unfaithful to their partner or ex-partner on occasion. So you want proof? But so far... nothing... Just say things like what you just wanna say. 869 opinions shared on Relationships topic. If i have also been scrolling through the post here and i can also say i don't see bitter guys as much. Oh no it doesn't bother me at all that you never got the joke, in fact I was kinda expecting you not to get it, that is why I said right in the same post "I am joking here" to see if you got it. 1K+ opinions shared on Relationships topic. Actions speaks louder than words FYI so that's not an assumptions. Just like that assuming just because of what you see. That said I still choose women. 1 decade ago. Men are. It's still an assumptions. My wife cheated on me after 17 years. The Rottweiler, male or female, is fiercely loyal to its family and will protect it by all means. Because you know I also explain how your joke doesn't sound like a joke. It's like saying you need a chart to know running across a road with a blindfold is a bad idea. @Aiko_E_Lara It doesn't take a genius to understand getting away with things. So now it is a joke? Another reason discussed, and also important, is poor communication between the members of the couple. If you can joke then why can't i? In his words; ”Dear men, Take a tour of any hospital of your choice. Also my article is saying "maybe not" which you just don't wanna see. You just wanna say "I'm joking" at the end. @Aiko_E_Lara Oh this is preceless! Conventional wisdom says that women are more loyal than men. Sizewise, female and male Labrador retrievers are comparable, with females slightly smaller, but both are sturdy, muscular, and athletic with the male a bit more substantial. Women are always trying to find better. Why is that? Both sides need to present proof, one that it happened and the other that didn't. Water C. Classic movies-Like James, starring: 007, Pussy Galore, Dr. Holly Goodhead, Honey Ryder, Plenty O'Toole, Thumper, Mary Goodnight, Chew Mee, Octopussy, Dr. Molly Warmflash, Alotta Fagina.. etc. This question is outdated. @Aiko_E_Lara I just agreed with you that girl can get bitter too. Much of this size is due to increased muscle mass in the male. Many male dogs are bolder and more aggressive than female… It would be denied, to the light of these data, the popular belief that it is men who most often ‘cheat’ on their partners. @Aiko_E_Lara You are the delusional one my friend. They are bitter alright. When guys cheat, they are just assholes. Be honest here! Also I don't have to assume about you assuming men are more bitter. "oh let's just call guys bitter" "oh I'm just joking" yeah like that. However, my girls were more high energy than my boys. Whether male dogs are more aggressive than females is not as clear cut as it might seem. The survey was conducted about loyalty of men vs women using a sample of 500 people who answered anonymously to a series of questions related to their relationships and infidelity. Consider my argument comming from the use of it. So, if you’re looking for a dog that’s going to lavish you with attention and constantly follow you around the house, maybe consider a male. You haven't proven anything about more bitter guys here. I knew there where many even before I made that Take by simple observation, which is by the way a valid scientific method in many fields of study to gather information, aka facts. I will never admit that I lost. Thats not working because you're exposed. The AKC breed standard is 22.5-24.5 inches for males and 21.5-23.5 inches for females. I reluctantly voted A in the poll because the truth is it's virtually even. Just like that, just claim its a joke and you don't have any humor. That is just weak. 129 opinions shared on Relationships topic. Wanna waste time by changing what you said in your first post?

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