why can't i trust my boyfriend he's done nothing wrong

So here you are. What if you guys are on the phone together and he puts you on mute to text a girl so you can't hear him texting and you have no idea? he meets them! The guys rationale was that He might as well do it if hes being accused of it so often. Im still suffering through the pain its caused me. Come on all of these people just throwing stones.. we all know how it is to feel doubt.. And I want to learn how i can trust her. I have never been more secure and happy in a relationship as I am knowing what I know now. Just to get this crazy pressure of my mind, to feel myself better - less emotionally attached. Maybe you would be happier by yourself and you could actually work on yourself to get mentally stronger. The same things that u guys are saying I really understand cause I pushed mine away and he never gave me any reason not to trust him but just reading your stuff really made me think bout it, Thanks, im just a random person who came on here and that really helped me. He treats me perfectly and I'm extremely happy. My mom thinks I'm insecure, which I'm beginning to think so too. Why am I like this? 2 years ago i was in a 3 year relationship which ended due to my ex cheating on me, at a party which we were both at, but it wasnt just a kiss. If he wanted to date her, he would, but he doesn't, because he likes you! and always tell me how much they like her. I have been cheated on by an ex in the past and am now dating a guy who I believe is out of my league. Because i really feel he is going to just pull away and be done with me soon..the stress it is causing us is not bearable anymore and i cant stand the fact that i am putting so many negative feelinga on him....but i cant help it...i have anxiety issues...especially anticipation anxiety issues..im ruining now by worrying about somethkng that will not even happen....i need to learn to let go and stop obsessing over nothing...is therapy the only way? after hiring EDIT , I got to see that he tells everyone he meets about me right away when His trust issues came from one of his prior boyfriend who cheated on him. I'm trying to be strong, but my energy is at the minimum. You did say yourself that he's done nothing wrong, so remember that when your mind starts concocting scenarios. Every couple is unique. How to trust my boyfriend even though he hasn't done anything wrong? You’ve probably heard that before. She has done nothing to breach my trust, I have been burned in the past and I know I shouldn't worry or judge her from their mistakes but I can't help it. I would continued to burn thru relationships or end up having a man cheat through self-fulfilling prophecy (that means creating one's own situation that drove him to cheat)! But i cant trust him, when he goes out im wondering what he is doing, even if i know he is with his friends i wonder if they are hanging out with girls. TWEET. my boyfriend says he can't trust me because i lied to him? Ive never been in a relationship with someone who made me float everytime i saw them. We have been together for 2 years . Besides people make mistakes. Find out more about how we use your information in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. WHY AM I SO CRAZY?! It really ***** that he punished me for his ex's actions, on top of that I had to be the one broken hearted and hurt when I did nothing wrong. We can talk about anything else but nothing about his trust in me. Nothing is more of a cancer in a relationship than when you stop losing faith that the other person is honest with you. See i had a girl i cared for very much and she hurt me alot on and off through out my younger days, she still to this day tries to et back with me but ive learned from past mistakes. omg!!! I was NEVER like that. Now, my boyfriend of 3 months is perfectly lovely and sweet to me and has not done anything to date that would or should make me distrust him. Dig deep and find out what it is thats making you ahve these thoughts. But the more you think about it, the more likely it may happen. It doesnt come from him. I was 28 years old and he was 22 years old kid... To cut the story short, he gave me good reasons for his lies, that actually made sense and we stayed together. I have been with him for 6 years since we were 16.

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