eldad and medad sermon

We know that sometimes people get excited and over-protective and they can only see their own little worlds. In confirmation of this, we recall the fact that our Lord spoke more often in houses, and fields, and boats, and streets, than in the Temple. Osy Nuesch at Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church on May 31, 2020 Number 11:24-30, Acts 2:1-21 While serving my last congregation, I learned about a Korean tradition. They were listed among the elders, but did not go out to the tent. And while the work of the Spirit is to unite and unify, the human default tendency is always to protect and isolate. Karen Bowles, Rev. The Spirit made sure of that. Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church on May 31, 2020. With God’s Spirit, the small band that Jesus had trained – now numbering about 120 – is able to do what they would have never imagined! So is it with the Spirit of whose fulness we all receive. October 3, 2019. The Church seems to be lying listless as a sailing ship, due to leave harbour, but still waiting for a breeze. Be this as it may, what followed is evidence that they did not wilfully disobey the summons, and that their absence was not due to any bad motive. 26 However, two men, whose names were Eldad and Medad, had remained in the camp. We are in an unbroken line of believers who trace their history through 2000 years back to the vision and mission of Jesus of Nazareth, and even further back to one Moses, and who knows how many years back to an Abraham and Sarah. No Christian man is poorer because his brother is enriched with grace, nor was Moses. And so, we turn to the Confession of 1967, for it as relevant today as it was during that chaotic decade, setting for us a vision for our word, even in its present predicament. It surely confirms our belief that the word of God is not bound. We still depend on each other. This lesson, which still needs to be enforced in our own day, is perhaps best deduced from an incident so early and so simple as this. The evidence of their call lay in their fitness for the work, and their fitness … I love the way Desmond Tutu stubbornly affirmed: “Goodness is stronger than evil; love is stronger than hate; Light is stronger than darkness; life is stronger than death.”. A baby’s first birthday is often the most celebrated birthday in Korean families. Just as America will remember George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery and Eric Garner. And that for whatever reason they couldn’t be physically present at the service. They received the Spirit and prophesied in the camp. But they did not do so again. A child’s dol is an important milestone. We regard it as an evidence, the more remarkable because given under a ceremonial regime, that God did not intend to institute any order of men outside the limits of which there was to be no liberty of prophesying and no fitness for it. Amazed and perplexed at hearing these Galileans communicating in languages that they had never studied, some people sneered: “They are filled with wine.” Peter intervened, trying to explain what God was doing. In this passage we meet Joshua for the first time in this book. Hudson Taylor said, “Depend upon it, God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supplies.”. The incident is really a subunit within the larger framework of Numbers 11 as a whole, where we are told how God provided Moses with a special group of seventy elders who would serve as his assistants in his dealings with the tumultuous people. NUMBERS 11:25-29 . Realizing the challenges of leading so many people, through that experience, it was decided that Moses needed help (and there are different accounts of how that decision came about). There were objections on the Day of Pentecost also. Before modern technology, many children never saw their first birthday, and a lot of children died before they turned one, so if you made it to 1, you had a much better chance of survival and to live to a ripe old age. Sermon: September 27 May the words of my mouth… Two men remained in the camp, one named Eldad, and the other named Medad, and the spirit rested on them; they were among those registered, but they had not gone out to the tent, and so they prophesied in the camp. They were listed among the elders, but did not go out to the Tent. A ball may indicate a future in sports or an athletic disposition; an instrument anticipates a musical talent; and many more. That’s a decent enough sermon. For you see, the entire book of Numbers is set in a journey through the wilderness. The Spirit is always uniting, unifying, bringing together into community. The evidence of their call lay in their fitness for the work, and their fitness was due to the gift of the Spirit. Benjamin Franklin reminded us: “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” Second: Moses express his fervent wish. You don’t have to live in Minneapolis to see how obtrusively and insidiously actions and decisions are influenced by prejudgment, discrimination or racism. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Also scattered on a table are assorted object that represent other elements of prosperity. ELDAD AND MEDAD. And the apostles who were called to follow Him were engaged at the time of their calling in their ordinary occupations, at the toll-office or in the fishing-boat. He was afraid that Eldad and Medad were assuming authority in competition with Moses. What the Spirit and the Church remind us today of all days is that everyone belongs. Though the Israelites had been only slaves there, they would doubtless be familiar with the art of writing, for the men of that race have never yet lagged behind any people among whom they have lived. It is unclear whether Eldad and Medad were disobedient or whether they had permission to remain behind; in either case, when the Spirit of God came upon the elders, Eldad and Medad received power, too. Denomination: Baptist. I don’t need to tell you that this has been a hard week for our country. He had three specially intimate friends. Unfortunately, the Authorised Version gives us a phrase which is the exact opposite of the meaning of the Hebrew phrase in the twenty-fifth verse, rendering it thus, |They prophesied, and did not cease.| The Revised Version sets this right in the phrase, |They prophesied, but they did so no more.| In other words, the singular manifestation of power soon passed away. Our vision for a good, healthy and effective future is going to have to be revised and re-thought. You are also part of the Christian Church around the globe learning to care about the things that God cares about. When we read Numbers, we automatically think journey – journey through the wilderness of life. Jesus response to this man was similar to Moses response to Eldad and Medad. A suitable ordination and installation ceremony was planned to give legitimacy to the process and the decision. The Holy Spirit still remained in the Church, and was revealed in a diversity of operations. The vaccine for racism is justice, the cure is equality, and the prevention is love.” (Steven Charleston posted in Clergy Coaching Network, 3/29/20), I missed singing a refrain that I have used every Sunday of the Easter season for years. And he thinks they’re up to no good…I mean, they’re clearly trying to sort of one-up Moses, to usurp the unique loyalty that the people of God are to exercise towards him as the mediator, and they go hoofing it back to Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. That becomes important to us during these days of wilderness life: We too are distanced these days. They just had to show up. Stop them!” he complains. I’m going with the theory that they were two of the 70 elders to be installed, may be #69 and #70. Therefore, the church labors for the abolition of all racial discrimination and ministers to those injured by it. In the Hebrew Bible, the title of the book is not ‘Numbers,’ it is ‘In the Wilderness’. A boy ran and told Moses, and Joshua, Moses’ assistant, was ready to put a stop to it immediately. Had some fun interpreting the Eldad and Medad story and suggesting that we needed some fire not just on our heads and in our hearts but also... elsewhere. He chose comrades who were a blessing to Himself, although He was a far greater blessing to them. Six men out of each of the twelve tribes were summoned to the Tabernacle, solemnly set apart and filled with the Spirit -- but two of the men -- Eldad and Medad -- were absent |They were of them written to| is the exact phrase -- and the fact that they received a written summons denotes a higher and more general culture among that ancient people than is generally imagined to have existed. Auch auf sie kam der Geist und sie redeten wie Propheten im Lager. But it is kind of a first of its kind. (Confession of 1967, 944.a, inclusive language version), “God has created the peoples of the earth to be one universal family. Sermon - 9/28/03 . Our son told us about a dol he attended where a little girl decided to choose none of the intended objects, instead she went straight for a plate of grapes. We believe that outside all sacred places, outside the churches of our own faith and order, and of any other churches, there are men, and women too, equally called of God with those within such limits, and the evidence that they are so called lies in the fact that in them also the Spirit of God is resting, and through them the Spirit of God is working. Christians who at one time spoke for Christ are not always to blame if they speak publicly no more. It was in a spirit of patient love that God appointed elders from among the people to help his over-wrought servant and share his heavy burden. Rather than turning our attention to the outsider, both of these stories foreshadow the internecine and endless struggle in the church between those who believe themselves to be the keepers of the faith (the seventy and the disciples) and those in the community … Sermons; Eldad, Medad & My Dad; View on one page; Download (PDF) Copy sermon Print ; Save View all Sermons. Yet the Spirit also rested on them, and they prophesied in the camp. According to the divine instructions (… In today’s lesson we heard how God’s Spirit was present in Moses, which gave him the moral authority to lead the people and judge their disputes. Seventy of the men thus summoned came together promptly, and were ranged in a semicircle before the Tabernacle. The objection raised by the young assistance becomes the opportunity for Moses to do two things. The Holy Spirit is always surprising us with new things – as we learn from what happened on the Day of Pentecost some 2,000 years ago! Once Jesus' disciples came to him complaning about someone who was casting out demons in Jesus' name but this person was not on of Jesus' recognized disciples. He called twelve to be apostles, and sent forth seventy as missioners -- an arrangement in which we see the New Testament counterpart of the choosing of these seventy-two elders, to rule and judge the Israelites, and thus share the responsibility of Moses. The Lord’s Prayer: Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. We may hope about him, believe in him, and pray for him still, because the Spirit of God can reach him as He reached Eldad and Medad, |who went not up to the Tabernacle.| The old promise is not exhausted yet: |I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.|. His presence was proved by the changed characters of converts more effectually than by abnormal gifts -- and similarly the religious ecstasy of Eldad and Medad and their comrades was soon exchanged for their abiding spirit of wisdom and justice. And we rejoice that some who are now outside a place of worship -- outside this or that denomination -- outside Christendom, do receive the Spirit who transforms them into the likeness of Christ. It is clear from the Hebrew narrative that Eldad and Medad, like their brethren at the door of the Tabernacle, did not receive an abiding gift of prophecy, but a transient sign which seemed adequate to convince the people that they had been chosen and inspired. "Enviest thou," he said, "for my sake?" It was not a permanent possession. Now, it’s not its first, that’s for sure. You ought not to be silent on the claims of Christ, nor should you refrain from leading others in prayer, while on every other topic you are fluency itself. In reconciling love, God overcomes the barriers between sisters and brothers and breaks down every form of discrimination based on racial or ethnic differences, real or imaginary. I preached at Gethsemane yesterday for Pentecost. But right now, Joshua’s immaturity is in full display. Eldad and Medad are Israelites and the unnamed exorcist in Mark is standing in for the community following Jesus in Galilee. The story, however, is of unusual significance and merits sustained reflection. Dol, or doljanchi is a ceremony in which the child is blessed with a prosperous and happy future. We don’t know the identity of this young man. Jesus welcomed the help, saying, "He is who not against us is for us." 2020-05-31 Pentecost Sunday.pdf Join us in Worship on Pentecost Sunday with Rev. The text clearly states that the spirit did rest on them. Nothing is known of these two men beyond the incident recorded in the Book of Numbers; but this is so remarkable and significant, that it well repays careful study. Those simple people were equipped to spread the message of the universal availability of God’s grace and salvation. The river which near its source noisily rushes over the pebbles, is not lessened in value when, full and deep, it silently glides onward to the sea. The church is called to bring all people to receive and uphold one another as persons in all relationships of life: in employment, housing, education, leisure, marriage, family, church, and the exercise of political rights. Or better yet, that she will always choose the least obvious path and determine to find her own destiny. Happily, there are diversities of operations, though they are all under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit; and if we are faithful to our special calling, we may hope to receive our Lord's |Well done,| just as did these seventy-two men, who sustained and aided Moses, though they left no record of their steady, useful work. So Rejoice!”. Jantzen/Jettel 2016: Und zwei Männer blieben im Lager zurück, der Name des einen war Eldad und der Name des anderen Medad. A baby’s first birthday is often the most celebrated birthday in Korean families. We stop to ask: What leads people to exclude, to alienate, to discriminate? A baby’s first birthday is often the most celebrated birthday in Korean families. My Lord, Moses, stop them! But the great prophet, wholly wanting in the thought of self, rebuked Joshua instead. Einer hieß Eldad, der andere Medad. Eldad and Medad were distinguished not only by their prophetic gift, but also by their noble birth, being half-brothers of Moses and Aaron. Their matured experience may be quite as valuable as their once fervent zeal. Saul was converted on the road to Damascus, the jailor of Philippi in prison, Lydia by the river side. A Sermon Preached by Rev. Karen Bowles Intentional Interim Lead Minister May 31, 2020 Sermons & Livestreams; Eldad and Medad; Download Download Sermon Notes. Yet the Spirit also rested on them, and they prophesied in the camp. Eldad and Medad’s prophecy and Moses’s deference to them, show that all of us have the potential to be touched by God. If we give of our love lavishly, yet affection is not lessened by such outpouring. When the marriage laws were revealed, all those who had been married to relatives by blood had to be divorced from them, so that Amram , too, had to be separated from his wife Jochebed , who was his aunt, and he married another woman. The Spirit is moving! 0 . You are all circling this place of meeting. And to that, I want us to add the incident reported in the 11th chapter of Numbers, which is also instructive, and especially relevant to our experience these days. 27 A young man ran and told Moses, “Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp.” They were listed among the elders, but did not go out to the tent. The miraculous power given to the apostles, as evidence of their Divine commission, was not always at their disposal. Eldad and Medad seem instances of unlicensed preaching and prophesying; and this, at a time of scanty knowledge and rare spiritual illumination, was not without its dangers. With infinite forbearance, allowance was made for the manner in which Divine counsel and help had been asked for, and the promise was graciously fulfilled, |Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and He shall sustain thee. Spiritual leadership … While serving my last congregation, I learned about a Korean tradition. Though truly chosen, they were not in the Tabernacle, nor were they wrapped in the cloud, and they received no ordination from the laying on of hands by Moses and Aaron. Was it fear? Now that Spirit was going to be transmitted to the select group of 70 elders. Enjoy! Eldad and Medad Remembered. How easy it is to overlook “the fine print” in God’s Word—particularly if it’s not a part of our daily, spiritual diet. But somehow, these two jokers – Eldad and Medad – couldn’t get it together even to do that! The helmsman stands impatient at the wheel, and all the sailors are alert, but not a ripple runs along the vessel's side. All this reminds us that though our power may be limited by time and place, God's power is not; though our work is contracted, His is broad. One congregation in multiple sites; one church around the world. a sermon based on Numbers 11:24-30 and Acts 2:1-21 by Richard Gehring. For some reason unknown to us they failed to put in an appearance at the critical time, when others of the elect were receiving the mysterious but efficient grace of the Spirit. Like that ship the Church is wanting impulse, and we ought to be waiting for it, and praying for it. they belonged. And the spirit rested on them. Two little known Bible characters! And a young man ran and told Moses, "Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp." Much of what happens at a child’s dol is centered on dreams, visions and hopes for the child’s future. We rejoice today in that Christ has made us all brothers and sisters in a spiritual fellowship that encompasses the world and spans the centuries. Nowadays, people add to the table other objects that may represent a variety of vocations or jobs. Jesus said, “Ask, and it will be given to you” ( Matthew 7:7 ). In their case the call was manifestly inward rather than outward. God will provide all the ability we need. What could that mean? 27 A young man ran and told Moses, "Eldad and Medad are prophesying in the camp." Would God that all the Lord's people were prophets, and that the Lord would put His spirit upon them!|. Sons and daughters, men and women, fishermen and peasants, slaves and free, all received God’s Spirit and somewhere from the beyond the sunset Moses rejoiced because his prayer had finally been answered. Of every one so created, it may be said he was |born of the Spirit.|. First: he stops the mistaken notion. But that doesn’t mean that we have to stop dreaming. I was weary with forbearing and could not stay.| The work assigned too often exclusively to the minister is really the work of the Church. They didn’t even have to speak at the meeting. If you had to choose a future for our congregation, what would it be? What does it teach? The Israelites had been once more displaying suspicion and ingratitude. The wish is really a prayer: “I wish that all of the Lord’s people were prophets and that the Lord would put his Spirit on them” (11:29). The spread of fire over what is inflammable increases its intensity. He will never suffer the righteous to be moved.| God dealt with his servant as a father at his best will deal with his child who runs to him, hurt and bruised, in a passion of tears. Osy Nuesch at The gift of tongues bestowed on them, and on others, soon ceased; for it was intended to show the supernatural origin of Christianity until written evidence was available, and then it was withdrawn. Moses was, no doubt, justified in saying, |I am not able to bear all this people alone, because it is too heavy for me.| Indeed it was well for him, as it is for us all, to feel the need there is for human sympathy and Divine aid. They may have withdrawn from Sunday School teaching, for example, but only to serve God in another form. Is there a past history? Eldad and Medad Remembered A Sermon Preached by Rev. (3) You are part of something bigger, much bigger. The Holy Spirit is no more confined to a place than the wind is, which bloweth as it listeth over land and sea, over desert and garden. A minister, who for a year and a half, worked part time as a youth minister and part time as a barista at Starbucks wrote about his experience in a blog. So they prophesied in the camp. Though truly chosen, they were not in the Tabernacle, nor were they wrapped in the cloud, and they received no ordination from the laying on of hands by Moses and Aaron. Depending on what he or she picks is what her or his future will be like. A Preacher in his Study "And the LORD came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that, when … Every true convert should sometimes feel as the prophet Jeremiah felt, when he said, |The word of the Lord was within me as a burning fire shut up in my bones. In rabbinical tradition, Eldad and Medad are said to have predicted a war with Gog and Magog, with the king from Magog uniting the non-Jews and launching war in Palestine against the Jews, but these non-Jews being defeated and slain by fire from the Throne of God. There are always objectors to the moving of the Spirit. She drew three conclusions: (1) People are desperate for authentic relationships; (2) People need to express their individuality and have it affirmed; (3) People want to be a part of something bigger than themselves.

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